Byunghan Lee
Deep learning in bioinformatics
S Min, B Lee, S Yoon
Briefings in bioinformatics 18 (5), 851-869, 2017
Biometric authentication using noisy electrocardiograms acquired by mobile sensors
HS Choi, B Lee, S Yoon
IEEE access 4, 1266-1273, 2016
deepTarget: end-to-end learning framework for microRNA target prediction using deep recurrent neural networks
B Lee, J Baek, S Park, S Yoon
Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM-BCB …, 2016
Towards a rigorous evaluation of time-series anomaly detection
S Kim, K Choi, HS Choi, B Lee, S Yoon
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (7), 7194-7201, 2022
LncRNAnet: long non-coding RNA identification using deep learning
J Baek, B Lee, S Kwon, S Yoon
Bioinformatics 34 (22), 3889-3897, 2018
CASPER: context-aware scheme for paired-end reads from high-throughput amplicon sequencing
S Kwon, B Lee, S Yoon
BMC bioinformatics 15 (Suppl 9), S10, 2014
DUDE-Seq: Fast, flexible, and robust denoising for targeted amplicon sequencing
B Lee, T Moon, S Yoon, T Weissman
PLOS ONE 12 (7), 2017
Pre-training of deep bidirectional protein sequence representations with structural information
S Min, S Park, S Kim, HS Choi, B Lee, S Yoon
IEEE Access 9, 123912-123926, 2021
DNA-level splice junction prediction using deep recurrent neural networks
B Lee, T Lee, B Na, S Yoon
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.05135, 2015
In-depth analysis of interrelation between quality scores and real errors in illumina reads
S Kwon, S Park, B Lee, S Yoon
2013 35th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2013
Neural universal discrete denoiser
T Moon, S Min, B Lee, S Yoon
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29, 2016
Bag of tricks for electrocardiogram classification with deep neural networks
S Min, HS Choi, H Han, M Seo, JK Kim, J Park, S Jung, IY Oh, B Lee, ...
2020 Computing in Cardiology, 1-4, 2020
Protein transfer learning improves identification of heat shock protein families
S Min, HG Kim, B Lee, S Yoon
Plos one 16 (5), e0251865, 2021
TargetNet: functional microRNA target prediction with deep neural networks
S Min, B Lee, S Yoon
Bioinformatics 38 (3), 671-677, 2022
Dna steganalysis using deep recurrent neural networks
H Bae, B Lee, S Kwon, S Yoon
BIOCOMPUTING 2019: Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium, 88-99, 2018
hc-OTU: A fast and accurate method for clustering operational taxonomic units based on homopolymer compaction
S Park, H Choi, B Lee, J Chun, JH Won, S Yoon
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 15 (2 …, 2016
Flexible dual-branched message-passing neural network for a molecular property prediction
J Jo, B Kwak, B Lee, S Yoon
ACS omega 7 (5), 4234-4244, 2022
Rapid and robust denoising of pyrosequenced amplicons for metagenomics
B Lee, J Park, S Yoon
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining, 954-959, 2012
GeoT: A Geometry-Aware Transformer for Reliable Molecular Property Prediction and Chemically Interpretable Representation Learning
B Kwak, J Park, T Kang, J Jo, B Lee, S Yoon
ACS omega 8 (42), 39759-39769, 2023
Geometry-aware transformer for molecular property prediction
B Kwak, J Jo, B Lee, S Yoon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.15516, 2021
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