Yan-Lin He
A PSO based virtual sample generation method for small sample sets: Applications to regression datasets
ZS Chen, B Zhu, YL He, LA Yu
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 59, 236-243, 2017
A Monte Carlo and PSO based virtual sample generation method for enhancing the energy prediction and energy optimization on small data problem: An empirical study of …
HF Gong, ZS Chen, QX Zhu, YL He
Applied Energy 197, 405-415, 2017
Data driven soft sensor development for complex chemical processes using extreme learning machine
YL He, ZQ Geng, QX Zhu
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 102, 1-11, 2015
A novel hybrid method integrating ICA-PCA with relevant vector machine for multivariate process monitoring
Y Xu, SQ Shen, YL He, QX Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (4), 1780-1787, 2018
Novel soft sensor development using echo state network integrated with singular value decomposition: Application to complex chemical processes
YL He, Y Tian, Y Xu, QX Zhu
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200, 103981, 2020
Novel manifold learning based virtual sample generation for optimizing soft sensor with small data
XH Zhang, Y Xu, YL He, QX Zhu
ISA transactions 109, 229-241, 2021
A novel and effective nonlinear interpolation virtual sample generation method for enhancing energy prediction and analysis on small data problem: A case study of Ethylene industry
YL He, PJ Wang, MQ Zhang, QX Zhu, Y Xu
Energy 147, 418-427, 2018
Text Classification Using Novel Term Weighting Scheme‐Based Improved TF‐IDF for Internet Media Reports
Z Jiang, B Gao, Y He, Y Han, P Doyle, Q Zhu
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2021 (1), 6619088, 2021
Fault diagnosis using novel AdaBoost based discriminant locality preserving projection with resamples
YL He, Y Zhao, X Hu, XN Yan, QX Zhu, Y Xu
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 91, 103631, 2020
Novel virtual sample generation using conditional GAN for developing soft sensor with small data
QX Zhu, KR Hou, ZS Chen, ZS Gao, Y Xu, YL He
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 106, 104497, 2021
Novel double-layer bidirectional LSTM network with improved attention mechanism for predicting energy consumption
YL He, L Chen, Y Gao, JH Ma, Y Xu, QX Zhu
ISA transactions 127, 350-360, 2022
A hierarchical structure of extreme learning machine (HELM) for high-dimensional datasets with noise
YL He, ZQ Geng, Y Xu, QX Zhu
Neurocomputing 128, 407-414, 2014
Enhanced virtual sample generation based on manifold features: Applications to developing soft sensor using small data
YL He, Q Hua, QX Zhu, S Lu
ISA transactions 126, 398-406, 2022
Soft sensor development for the key variables of complex chemical processes using a novel robust bagging nonlinear model integrating improved extreme learning machine with …
YL He, ZQ Geng, QX Zhu
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 151, 78-88, 2016
An imbalanced multifault diagnosis method based on bias weights AdaBoost
X Jiang, Y Xu, W Ke, Y Zhang, QX Zhu, YL He
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-8, 2022
A novel nonlinear functional expansion based PLS (FEPLS) and its soft sensor application
B Zhu, ZS Chen, YL He, LA Yu
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 161, 108-117, 2017
A novel virtual sample generation method based on a modified conditional Wasserstein GAN to address the small sample size problem in soft sensing
YL He, XY Li, JH Ma, S Lu, QX Zhu
Journal of Process Control 113, 18-28, 2022
Novel virtual sample generation based on locally linear embedding for optimizing the small sample problem: Case of soft sensor applications
QX Zhu, XH Zhang, YL He
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59 (40), 17977-17986, 2020
A novel scoring function based on family transfer entropy for Bayesian networks learning and its application to industrial alarm systems
QQ Meng, QX Zhu, HH Gao, YL He, Y Xu
Journal of Process Control 76, 122-132, 2019
Novel multiblock transfer entropy based Bayesian network and its application to root cause analysis
QX Zhu, Y Luo, YL He
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58 (12), 4936-4945, 2019
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