Noemi Mazzoni
Noemi Mazzoni
Postdoc Researcher, University of Bologna
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Family adjustment to COVID‐19 lockdown in Italy: Parental stress, coparenting, and child externalizing behavior
M Giannotti, N Mazzoni, A Bentenuto, P Venuti, S de Falco
Family Process 61 (2), 745-763, 2022
Psychological impact of Covid-19 pandemic in Italian families of children with neurodevelopmental disorders
A Bentenuto, N Mazzoni, M Giannotti, P Venuti, S de Falco
Research in developmental disabilities 109, 103840, 2021
Effects of cognitive training programs on executive function in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A systematic review
A Pasqualotto, N Mazzoni, A Bentenuto, A Mule, F Benso, P Venuti
Brain sciences 11 (10), 1280, 2021
State-dependent TMS reveals representation of affective body movements in the anterior intraparietal cortex
N Mazzoni, C Jacobs, P Venuti, J Silvanto, L Cattaneo
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (30), 7231-7239, 2017
The thorn in the dyad: A vision on parent-child relationship in autism spectrum disorder
T Del Bianco, Y Ozturk, I Basadonne, N Mazzoni, P Venuti
Europe's journal of psychology 14 (3), 695, 2018
An investigation of attention to faces and eyes: looking time is task-dependent in Autism Spectrum Disorder
T Del Bianco, N Mazzoni, A Bentenuto, P Venuti
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2629, 2018
Neural dynamics driving audio-visual integration in autism
L Ronconi, A Vitale, A Federici, N Mazzoni, L Battaglini, M Molteni, ...
Cerebral Cortex 33 (3), 543-556, 2023
Motion or emotion? Recognition of emotional bodily expressions in children with autism spectrum disorder with and without intellectual disability
N Mazzoni, I Landi, P Ricciardelli, R Actis-Grosso, P Venuti
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 478, 2020
Difficulties in Recognising Dynamic but not Static Emotional Body Movements in Autism Spectrum Disorder
N Mazzoni, P Ricciardelli, R Actis-Grosso, P Venuti
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 52 (3), 1092-1105, 2022
Determinants of maternal stress during COVID-19 outbreak in Italy and Spain: A cross-cultural investigation.
M Giannotti, N Mazzoni, M Facchini, S de Falco, P Venuti, G Iandolo
Journal of Family Psychology 36 (6), 827, 2022
Parenting a Child with a Neurodevelopmental Disorder during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Quantitative and Qualitative Cross-Cultural Findings
N Mazzoni, A Bentenuto, F Filosofi, A Tardivo, L Strathearn, K Zarei, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (1), 499, 2022
Explicit and Implicit Emotion Processing: Neural Basis, Perceptual and Cognitive Mechanisms
A Celeghin, N Mazzoni, G Mattavelli
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 584469, 2020
The recognition of emotional biological movement in individuals with typical development and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
N Mazzoni
Università degli studi di Trento, 2017
Train your attention and executive functions with Eye-Riders! A videogame for improving cognitive abilities in neurodiverse children
M Benassi, D Paolillo, M Spinoso, S Giovagnoli, N Mazzoni, L Formica, ...
2024 IEEE 21st Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 1-6, 2024
Explicit and implicit emotion processing: neural basis, perceptual and cognitive mechanisms, volume II
N Mazzoni, A Celeghin, G Mattavelli
Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1411947, 2024
BESt-DaD: A New Distance Learning Platform for Students with Special Educational Needs
N Mazzoni, F Filosofi, H Ballardini, A Pasqualotto, L Semenzin, ...
Computers in the Schools 41 (2), 193-234, 2024
ScholarOne-Unlocking Cognitive Patterns: A Comparative Exploration of Linear and Deep Dimensionality Reduction Approaches in clusterizing Student Cognitive Profiles.
M Orsoni, S Giovagnoli, S Garofalo, N Mazzoni, M Spinoso, M Benassi
Authorea Preprints, 2024
PsycAssist: A Web-Based Artificial Intelligence System Designed for Adaptive Neuropsychological Assessment and Training
D de Chiusole, M Spinoso, P Anselmi, A Bacherini, G Balboni, N Mazzoni, ...
Brain Sciences 14 (2), 122, 2024
Eye-Riders un applied game per il potenziamento delle funzioni esecutive: Risultati preliminari dell'efficacia clinica.
N Mazzoni, A Succi, M Caruana, G Cingolani, S Giovagnoli, C Prandi, ...
Logopedia e Comunicazione 19 (2), 2023
AdapTol: un nuovo strumento computerizzato per discriminare tra sviluppo tipico e disturbi del neurosviluppo
N Mazzoni, M Spinoso, A Succi, S Garofalo, M Orsoni, M Benassi, ...
Book of abstract, 70-70, 2023
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