Dr P. Radha
Dr P. Radha
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Characterization, pore size measurement and wear model of a sintered Cu–W nano composite using radial basis functional neural network
N Leema, P Radha, SC Vettivel, HK Nehemiah
Materials & Design 68, 195-206, 2015
Modelling the effect of particle size and iron content on forming of Al–Fe composite preforms using neural network
N Selvakumar, P Ganesan, P Radha, R Narayanasamy, KS Pandey
Materials & design 28 (1), 119-130, 2007
Prediction of deformation characteristics of sintered aluminium preforms using neural networks
N Selvakumar, P Radha, R Narayanasamy, MJ Davidson
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 12 (4), 611, 2004
Simplifying the powder metallurgy manufacturing process using soft computing tools
P Radha, G Chandrasekaran, N Selvakumar
Applied Soft Computing 27, 191-204, 2015
Neural network model for predicting strain hardening and densification constants of sintered aluminium preforms
N Selvakumar, P Radha, R Narayanasamy, P Ganesan
Powder metallurgy 47 (3), 261-266, 2004
Computational Intelligence for analysing the mechanical properties of AA 2219 - B4C + h-BN hybrid nano composites processed by ultrasound assisted casting
P Radha, N Selvakumar, R Harichandran
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 64 (3), 116, 2019
Generalized Neural Network model to predict the properties of sintered Al-Fe composite
P Radha, G Chandrasekaran, N Selvakumar
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia …, 2007
A Novel Ultrasonic based NDT for smart analysis of material defects using IoT
P Radha
International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies, 156-161, 2021
A Novel PWA Architecture for Assisting Homeopathy Diagnosis
PR R. Ragulkumar
International Journal of Health Sciences 6 (1), 4480, 2022
Neural Networks for Predicting the Wear Properties of Sintered Ti-6Al-4V Composite Reinforced with Nano B4C Particle and Classification using Data Mining Tools
P Radha, N Selvakumar
International Journal of computational and Neural Engineering 3 (04), 40-48, 2016
Evaluating the predictability of supervised neural network by different variation of Back propagation algorithm in processing powder metallurgy data
P Radha, G Chandrasekaran, N Selvakumar
International journal of computer Engineering and Information technology 3 …, 2009
Simulation of Powder metallurgical preforms using Neural Networks
P Radha, G Chandrasekaran, N Selvakumar
Advanced Computing and Commuication ICACC'07 1 (1), 2007
Supervised and unsupervised learning for characterising the industrial material defects
P Radha, N Selvakumar, JR Sekar, JV Johnsonselva
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 21 (2), 233-246, 2022
Correlating Health-Oriented Human Traditions with Basic Science and Automating Health-Related Processes Using Modern Science
P Radha
Human Arenas 1 (1), 1-20, 2019
Balancing the Complexity of Architecture and Generalization of Soft-Computing Model in Predicting the Properties of Composite Preforms
P Radha
International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology, V 5 (3), 89-101, 2017
Region growth based segmentation to improve the porosity of Cu-(5–20%) W composite preforms
P Radha
Global Res Dev J Eng 1 (12), 148-155, 2016
ENT Pattern Recognition Using Augmented Bounding Boxes
P Radha, V Neethidevan, S Kruthika
International Conference on Expert Clouds and Applications, 511-522, 2022
Density-Based Dynamically Self-Parameterized Clustering for Material Inspection
The Computer Journal, 1-13, 2021
Technical procedure for cloud based non-destructive testing using ultrasonic echo pulse method
MJVJ Dr.Devendra Jha, Dr.P.Radha, Dr.N.Selvakumar, Dr.J.Raja Sekar
Copy right, 2021
Supervised and Unsupervised learning for characterizing the industrial material defects
MJVJ Dr.P.Radha, Dr.N.Selvakumar, Dr.J.Raja Sekar
International of Business Intelligence and Data Minining 1 (1), 1-15, 2021
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