Seungyub Lee
Seungyub Lee
Hannam University
在 hnu.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
A systematic review of quantitative resilience measures for water infrastructure systems
S Shin, S Lee, DR Judi, M Parvania, E Goharian, T McPherson, SJ Burian
Water 10 (2), 164, 2018
Evaluating resilience of water distribution networks to operational failures from cyber-physical attacks
S Shin, S Lee, SJ Burian, DR Judi, T McPherson
Journal of Environmental Engineering 146 (3), 04020003, 2020
Criticality analysis of a water distribution system considering both economic consequences and hydraulic loss using modern portfolio theory
S Lee, S Shin, DR Judi, T McPherson, SJ Burian
Water 11 (6), 1222, 2019
Robustness and water distribution system: State-of-the-art review
D Jung, S Lee, JH Kim
Water 11 (5), 974, 2019
Determination of optimal location and capacity of detention facilities
S Lim, VH Ho, SY Lee, DG Yoo, JH Kim
Procedia Engineering 70, 1037-1045, 2014
Application of life cycle energy analysis for designing a water distribution network
S Lee, DG Yoo, D Jung, JH Kim
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23, 1174-1191, 2018
Setting future water rates for sustainability of a water distribution system
S Lee, C Pomeroy, S Burian
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 147 (2), 04020108, 2021
Triple top line–based sustainability measure for water distribution systems
S Lee, S Burian
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 26 (3), 04020027, 2020
Quantitative measure of sustainability for water distribution systems: a comprehensive review
S Lee, JH Kim
Sustainability 12 (23), 10093, 2020
Triple top line-based identification of sustainable water distribution system conservation targets and pipe replacement timing
S Lee, S Burian
Urban Water Journal 16 (9), 642-652, 2019
Water distribution system recovery strategies considering economic consequences from business loss
S Lee, S Shin, D Judi, T McPherson, S Burian
Proc., 15th Int. Conf. on Computing and Control for the Water Industry …, 2017
Optimal life cycle design of water pipe system using genetic algorithm
S Lee, DG Yoo, D Jung, JH Kim
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society 16 (6), 4216-4227, 2015
Development of failure cause–impact–duration (CID) plots for water supply and distribution system management
S Lee, S Oak, D Jung, H Jun
Water 11 (8), 1719, 2019
Detecting and localizing leakages in water distribution systems using a two-phase model
KW Min, T Kim, S Lee, YH Choi, JH Kim
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 148 (10), 04022051, 2022
Accounting for phasing of isolation valve installation in water distribution networks
S Lee, D Jung
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 147 (7), 06021007, 2021
Shortest-path-based two-phase design model for hydraulically efficient water distribution network: Preparing for extreme changes in water availability
S Lee, D Jung
IEEE Access 9, 53358-53369, 2021
Life cycle determination of water distribution system using life cycle energy analysis
SY Lee, DG Yoo, JH Kim
Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater 29 (1), 11-21, 2015
Exploring vulnerable nodes, impactful viral intrusion sites, and viral infection risk reductions offered by chlorine boosters in municipal drinking water networks
S Lee, AM Wilson, E Cooksey, D Boccelli, MP Verhougstraete
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 148 (9), 04022048, 2022
Optimization difficulty indicator and testing framework for water distribution network complexity
D Jung, S Lee, H Hwang
Water 11 (10), 2132, 2019
Life cycle energy analysis of pipe rehabilitation and replacement strategies in water pipeline systems
DG Yoo, SY Lee, HM Lee, JH Kim
Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation 15 (6), 301-310, 2015
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