Monika Zubrowska-Sudol
Monika Zubrowska-Sudol
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Intermittent aeration in one-stage partial nitritation/anammox process
J Yang, J Trela, M Zubrowska-Sudol, E Plaza
Ecological Engineering 75, 413-420, 2015
Enhancing combined biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater by applying mechanically disintegrated excess sludge
M Zubrowska-Sudol, J Walczak
Water Research 76, 10-18, 2015
Effects of mechanical disintegration of activated sludge on the activity of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria and phosphorus accumulating organisms
M Zubrowska-Sudol, J Walczak
Water research 61, 200-209, 2014
Evaluation of deammonification process performance at different aeration strategies
M Zubrowska-Sudol, J Yang, J Trela, E Plaza
Water Science and Technology 63 (6), 1168-1176, 2011
Nitrogen and phosphorus removal in a denitrifying phosphorus removal process in a sequencing batch reactor with a forced anoxic phase
J Podedworna, M Żubrowska-Sudoł
Environmental technology 33 (2), 237-245, 2012
The effects of mechanical sludge disintegration to enhance full-scale anaerobic digestion of municipal sludge
M Zubrowska-Sudol, J Podedworna, K Sytek-Szmeichel, A Bisak, ...
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 5, 289-295, 2018
Cross-Contamination as a Problem in Collection and Analysis of Environmental Samples Containing Microplastics—A Review
A Bogdanowicz, M Zubrowska-Sudol, A Krasinski, M Sudol
Sustainability 13 (21), 12123, 2021
Effects of thickened excess sludge pre-treatment using hydrodynamic cavitation for anaerobic digestion
A Garlicka, M Zubrowska-Sudol, K Umiejewska, O Roubinek, J Palige, ...
Energies 13 (10), 2483, 2020
Efficiency of wastewater treatment in SBR and IFAS-MBSBBR systems in specified technological conditions
K Sytek-Szmeichel, J Podedworna, M Zubrowska-Sudol
Water Science and Technology 73 (6), 1349-1356, 2016
Condition of circular economy in Poland
Z Kledyński, A Bogdan, W Jackiewicz-Rek, K Lelicińska-Serafin, ...
Archives of Civil Engineering 66 (3), 2020
Innovative hydrodynamic disintegrator adjusted to agricultural substrates pre-treatment aimed at methane production intensification—Cfd modelling and batch tests
M Zubrowska-Sudol, A Dzido, A Garlicka, P Krawczyk, M Stępień, ...
Energies 13 (16), 4256, 2020
Zastosowanie złoża ruchomego (moving bed) w technologii oczyszczania ścieków
M Żubrowska-Sudoł
Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna, 266-269, 2004
Wstępne doświadczenia w usuwaniu azotu i fosforu w sekwencyjnym reaktorze porcjowym ze złożem zawieszonym
J Podedworna, M Żubrowska-Sudoł
Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna, 398-405, 2001
Development of microbial communities in biofilm and activated sludge in a hybrid reactor
M Godzieba, M Zubrowska-Sudol, J Walczak, S Ciesielski
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 12558, 2022
Substancje humusowe w środowisku-budowa, właściwości fizyczno-chemiczne, znaczenie ekologiczne oraz biotransformacja
A Grabińska-Łoniewska, M Perchuć, M Żubrowska-Sudoł
Postępy Mikrobiologii 41 (3), 2002
Experimental feasibility study on application of a mechanical cavitation inducer for disintegration of wastewater sludges
M Żubrowska-Sudoł, J Podedworna, Z Heidrich, P Krawczyk, J Szczygieł
Environmental Engineering III, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 257-261, 2010
Life Cycle Assessment of sewage sludge mono-digestion and co-digestion with the organic fraction of municipal solid waste at a wastewater treatment plant
B Karolinczak, J Walczak, M Bogacka, M Zubrowska-Sudol
Science of the total environment 907, 167801, 2024
Effect of hydrodynamic disintegration on the solubilisation and bioavailability of thickened excess sludge
A Garlicka, M Zubrowska-Sudol
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 64, 105015, 2020
Możliwość ograniczenia pojemności reaktorów biologicznych poprzez zastosowanie złoża ruchomego
J Podedworna, M Żubrowska-Sudoł
Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna, 19-22, 2006
Disintegration of waste sludge as an element bio-circular economy in waste water treatment plant towards carbon recovery for biological nutrient removal
M Zubrowska-Sudol, J Walczak, G Piechota
Bioresource Technology 360, 127622, 2022
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