Nonsmooth H∞ Synthesis P Apkarian, D Nöll, PC Pellanda Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary …, 2005 | 958 | 2005 |
Missile autopilot design via a multi‐channel LFT/LPV control method PC Pellanda, P Apkarian, HD Tuan International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2002 | 183 | 2002 |
Mixed H2/H∞ multi-channel linear parameter-varying control in discrete time P Apkarian, PC Pellanda, HD Tuan Systems & Control Letters 41 (5), 333-346, 2000 | 126 | 2000 |
Robust design of a TCSC oscillation damping controller in a weak 500-kV interconnection considering multiple power flow scenarios and external disturbances AM Simões, DC Savelli, PC Pellanda, N Martins, P Apkarian IEEE transactions on power systems 24 (1), 226-236, 2009 | 83 | 2009 |
Computation of transfer function dominant zeros with applications to oscillation damping control of large power systems N Martins, PC Pellanda, J Rommes IEEE transactions on power systems 22 (4), 1657-1664, 2007 | 71 | 2007 |
IQC Analysis and Synthesis Via Nonsmooth Optimization P Apkarian, D Nöll, PC Pellanda Latin-American Congress on Automatic Control - CLCA 2006 1 (XII), 1-6, 2006 | 52 | 2006 |
Robust Pole Placement Under Structural Constraints JFS Santos, PC Pellanda, AM Simões System & Control Letters 116 (June), 8-14, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
The role of digital social innovations to address SDGs: A systematic review M Dionisio, SJ de Souza Junior, F Paula, PC Pellanda Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-26, 2024 | 21 | 2024 |
Utilizing transfer function modal equivalents of low-order for the design of power oscillation damping controllers in large power systems N Martins, FG Silva, PC Pellanda, A de Castro, PEM Quintão Proc. IEEE Power Eng. Soc. Meeting, 2642-2648, 2005 | 21 | 2005 |
A field test to determine PSS effectiveness at multigenerator power plants THS Bossa, N Martins, RJGC da Silva, PC Pellanda IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (3), 1522-1533, 2010 | 19 | 2010 |
Gain-scheduling through continuation of observer-based realizations-applications to H∞ and μ controllers PC Pellanda, P Apkarian, D Alazard Decision and Control, 2000. Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on 3 …, 2000 | 19* | 2000 |
Síntese de sinais e escolha de estrutura dos estabilizadores dos TCSCs da interligação norte-sul considerando robustez a perturbações externas PC Pellanda, DC Savelli, NJP Macedo, N Martins, GS Luz SIMPÓSIO DE PLANEJAMENTO E OPERAÇÃO DE SISTEMAS ELÉTRICOS DE POTÊNCIA-SEPOPE …, 2006 | 13 | 2006 |
Commande de systèmes instationnaires: séquencement de compensateurs et commande LPV PC Pellanda Toulouse, ISAE-SUPAERO, 2001 | 13 | 2001 |
Environment exploration with multiple vehicles and fastslam technique A de Melo Neto, PFF Rosa, TEA de Oliveira, PC Pellanda IECON 2011-37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
The role of digital transformation in improving the efficacy of healthcare: A systematic review M Dionisio, SJ de Souza Junior, F Paula, PC Pellanda Journal of High Technology Management Research 34, 100442, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
Implementation Framework for BIM Adoption and Project Management in Public Organizations G Miceli Junior, N da Cunha Ribeiro, PC Pellanda, M de Miranda Reis Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 14 (2), 109-119, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Haar-Based Stability Analysis of LPV Systems LO de Araujo, PC Pellanda, JF Galdino, AM Simões IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (1), 192-198, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Robust signals for the TCSC oscillation damping controllers of the brazilian north-south interconnection considering multiple power flow scenarios and external disturbances DC Savelli, PC Pellanda, N Martins, NJP Macedo, AA Barbosa, GS Luz 2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 1-7, 2007 | 8 | 2007 |
Controle Robusto Aplicado na Estabilização de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência PC PELLANDA Rapport de fin d’études, IME, 1993 | 8 | 1993 |
New Haar-Based Algorithms for Stability Analysis of LPV Systems PT Bandeira, PC Pellanda, LO Araújo IEEE Control Systems Letters 2 (4), 605-610, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |