Rodolfo Rodríguez
Rodolfo Rodríguez
Universidad de Piura
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“El Niño” events recorded in dry-forest species of the lowlands of northwest Peru
R Rodríguez, A Mabres, B Luckman, M Evans, M Masiokas, TM Ektvedt
Dendrochronologia 22 (3), 181-186, 2005
Vertical profiling and determination of landscape fluxes of biogenic nonmethane hydrocarbons within the planetary boundary layer in the Peruvian Amazon
D Helmig, B Balsley, K Davis, LR Kuck, M Jensen, J Bognar, T Smith Jr, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D19), 25519-25532, 1998
Wood anatomy, description of annual rings, and responses to ENSO events of Prosopis pallida HBK, a wide-spread woody plant of arid and semi-arid lands of Latin America
BC López, S Sabaté, CA Gracia, R Rodríguez
Journal of Arid Environments 61 (4), 541-554, 2005
Climatic signals in growth and its relation to ENSO events of two Prosopis species following a latitudinal gradient in South America
BC Lopez, R Rodríguez, CA Gracía, S Sabate
Global Change Biology 12 (5), 897-906, 2006
Solar flare detection sensitivity using the South America VLF Network (SAVNET)
JP Raulin, FCP Bertoni, HR Gavilán, W Guevara‐Day, R Rodriguez, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 (A7), 2010
On the lack of southern hemisphere polar mesosphere summer echoes
BB Balsley, RF Woodman, M Sarango, R Rodriguez, J Urbina, E Ragaini, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 100 (D6), 11685-11693, 1995
Biología y cultivo de la cabrilla arenera Paralabrax maculatofasciatus (Steindachner, 1868)
A Avilés-Quevedo, U McGregor-Pardo, R Rodríguez-Ramos, ...
Secretaría de Pesca. Instituto Nacional de la Pesca. JICA. México 85, 1995
Southern‐hemisphere PMSE: Where are they?
BB Balsley, RF Woodman, M Sarango, J Urbina, R Rodriguez, E Ragaini, ...
Geophysical research letters 20 (18), 1983-1985, 1993
Avances sobre estudios dendrocronológicos en la región costera norte del Perú para obtener un registro pasado del fenómeno el Niño
R Rodríguez, RF Woodman Pollitt, B Balsley, A Mabres, R Phipps
Institut Français d'Etudes Andines, 1993
Acuerdo de competitividad para la cadena productiva de pasifloras en Colombia
M Parra, PA Rivera, R Rodríguez, OE Aguilar
Asohofrucol, CEPASS, Consejo Nacional de Pasifloras, Ministerio de …, 2013
Effect of climate and ENSO events on Prosopis pallida forests along a climatic gradient
PC Salazar, RM Navarro-Cerrillo, E Ancajima, J Duque Lazo, ...
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 91 (5), 552-562, 2018
Producción de semilla de abulón en el laboratorio: el método de Bahía Tortugas, BCS México
JM Mazón Suástegui, L Bazua-Sicre, G Lucero-Martinez, ...
Abalone of the world, 1992
Asociaciones con granate-clinopiroxeno en la" unidad catazonal superior" del complejo del Cabo Ortegal (NW España)
JI Gil Ibarguchi, B Abalos, A Campillo, A Higuero, B López, V Pinilla, ...
Universidade da Coruña, 1988
Primera serie dendroarqueológica en los Andes Centrales: resultados preliminares de Chankillo, Casma
I Ghezzi, R Rodríguez
Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines, 1-21, 2015
Climatic cycles and gradients of the El Niño core region in North Peru
R Rollenbeck, F Bayer, J Münchow, M Richter, R Rodriguez, N Atarama
Advances in Meteorology 2015 (1), 750181, 2015
Manejo de reproductores y producción de huevos de pargo amarillo Lutjanus argentiventris (Peters, 1869) bajo condiciones de cultivo
A Avilés-Quevedo, L Reyes, S Valdés, O Hirales, R Rodríguez, ...
Acuicultura en Latinoamérica. IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Acuicultura. 2º …, 1996
Resultados preliminares en el cultivo del huachinango del Pacífico Lutjanus peru (Nichols and Murphy, 1922) en jaulas flotantes en bahía Falsa, BCS, México
A Avilés-Quevedo, L Reyes-Juárez, O Hirales-Cosio, ...
Acuicultura en Latinoamerica. IX Congreso latinoamericano de acuicultura 2 …, 1996
The Coastal El Niño event of 2017 in Ecuador and Peru: A weather radar analysis
R Rollenbeck, J Orellana-Alvear, J Bendix, R Rodriguez, F Pucha-Cofrep, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (4), 824, 2022
Calibration of X-band radar for extreme events in a spatially complex precipitation region in north peru: Machine learning vs. empirical approach
R Rollenbeck, J Orellana-Alvear, R Rodriguez, S Macalupu, P Nolasco
Atmosphere 12 (12), 1561, 2021
Lower ionosphere monitoring by the South America VLF Network (SAVNET): C region occurrence and atmospheric temperature variability
FCP Bertoni, JP Raulin, HR Gavilán, P Kaufmann, R Rodriguez, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (10), 6686-6693, 2013
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