Borivoj Pejic
Borivoj Pejic
Associate Professor of Agronomy
在 polj.uns.ac.rs 的电子邮件经过验证
AsAsessment of the FAO AquaCrop model in the simulation of rainfed and supplementally irrigated maize, sugar beet and sunflower
L Stričević, R., Ćosić, M., Djurović, N., Pejić, B
Agric. Water Manage 98 (10), 1615-1621, 2011
Effect of irrigation schedules on yield and water use of onion (Allium cepa L.)
B Pejić, J Gvozdanović-Varga, S Milić, A Ignjatović-Ćupina, D Krstić, ...
African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (14), 2644-2652, 2011
Stability of yield components in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
M Dimitrijevic, D Knežević, S Petrovic, V Zecevic, J Boskovic, M Belic, ...
Genetika 43 (1), 29-39, 2011
SPEI-based approach to agricultural drought monitoring in Vojvodina region
J Bezdan, A Bezdan, B Blagojević, M Mesaroš, B Pejić, M Vranešević, ...
Water 11 (7), 1481, 2019
Mutual legume intercropping for forage production in temperate regions
B Ćupina, A Mikić, FL Stoddard, Đ Krstić, E Justes, L Bedoussac, J Fustec, ...
Genetics, Biofuels and Local Farming Systems, 347-365, 2011
The variation of yield components in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.,) in response to stressful growing conditions of alkaline soil
S Petrović, M Dimitrijević, M Belić, B Banjac, J Bošković, V Zečević
Genetika 42 (3), 545-555, 2010
Water-yield relations of maize (Zea mays L) in temperate climatic conditions
B Pejić, B Maheshwari, S Seremesić, R Stričević, M Pacureanu-Joita, ...
Maydica 56 (4), 315-321, 2011
Response of soybean to water stress at specific growth stages.
B Pejić, L Maksimović, S Cimpeanu, D Bucur, S Milić, B Ćupina
The sensitivity of water extractable soil organic carbon fractions to land use in three soil types
V Ćirić, M Belić, L Nešić, S Šeremešić, B Pejić, A Bezdan, M Manojlović
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 62 (12), 1654-1664, 2016
Effect of water stress on yield and evapotranspiration of sunwlower/Efecto del estrés hídrico sobre el rinde y apotranspiración de girasol/Effet du stress hydrique sur le …
B Pejić, L Maksimović, D Škorić, S Milić, R Stričević, B Ćupina
Helia 32 (51), 19-32, 2009
Land use effects on aggregation and erodibility of Luvisols on undulating slopes
B Gajić, A Tapanarova, Z Tomić, B Kresović, D Vujović, B Pejić
Australian Journal of Crop Science 7 (8), 1198-1204, 2013
Metode istraživanja i određivanja fizičkih svojstava zemljišta
Đ Bošnjak, S Dragović, V Hadžić, D Babović, N Kostić, Č Burlica, ...
Komisija za fiziku zemljišta, Jugoslovensko društvo za proučavanje zemljišta …, 1997
Evapotranspiracija i morfološke karakteristike kukuruza u zavisnosti od dubine navlaženog zemljišta i njihov odnos prema prinosu: doktorska disertacija
B Pejić, Đ Bošnjak, L Starčević, J Milivojević
B. Pejić, 1999
Effect of drip irrigation on yield, evapotranspiration and water use efficiency of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
B Pejić, D Adamović, L Maksimović, K Mačkić
Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo 54 (3), 124-129, 2017
Maize (Zea mays L.) yield stability dependence on crop rotation, fertilization and climatic conditions in a long-term experiment on Haplic Chernozem
S Šeremešić, I Đalović, D Milošev, Đ Jocković, B Pejić
Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 100 (2), 137-142, 2013
Response of sugar beet to soil water deficit
B Pejić, B Ćupina, M Dimitrijević, S Petrović, S Milić, Đ Krstić, G Jaćimović
Romanian agricultural research, 151-155, 2011
Field The effect of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) companion crop on red clower (Trifolium pratense L.) establishment and productivity
B Ćupina, D Krstić, A Mikić, P Erić, S Vučković, B Pejić
Turk J Agric For 34 (4), 275-283, 2010
Yield and water use efficiency of irrigated soybean in Vojvodina, Serbia
B Pejić, Đ Bošnjak, K Mačkić, M Rajić, M Josipović, I Jug, L Maksimović
Ratar. Povrt 49 (1), 80-85, 2012
Potential of the intercrops of normal-leafed and semi-leafless pea cultivars for forage production
B Ćupina, Đ Krstić, S Antanasović, P Erić, B Pejić, A Mikić, V Mihailović
Pisum Genet 42, 11-14, 2010
Irrigation-a condition for high and stable corn production in the Vojvodina Province
Đ Bošnjak, B Pejić, L Maksimović
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