Vladimir Krasnopolsky
Vladimir Krasnopolsky
其他姓名Vladimir Krasnopol'sky, Владимир Краснопольский
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Theory of resonances. Principles and applications.
VI Kukulin, VM Krasnopolsky, J Horacek
Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1989
Detailed study of the cluster structure of light nuclei in a three-body model. II. The spectrum of low-lying states of nuclei with A=6.", Nucl. Phys., v. A453, pp. 365-88, 1986
V Kukulin, V Krasnopolsky, P Sazonov, V Voronchev
Nuclear Physics A 453, 365-388, 1986
Complex hybrid models combining deterministic and machine learning components for numerical climate modeling and weather prediction
VM Krasnopolsky, MS Fox-Rabinovitz
Neural Networks 19 (2), 122-134, 2006
New approach to calculation of atmospheric model physics: Accurate and fast neural network emulation of longwave radiation in a climate model
VM Krasnopolsky, MS Fox-Rabinovitz, DV Chalikov
Monthly Weather Review 133 (5), 1370-1383, 2005
Detailed study of the cluster structure of light nuclei in a three-body model. I. Ground state of 6Li.
V Kukulin, V Krasnopolsky, P Sazonov, V Voronchev
Nuclear Physics A 417, 128-156, 1984
A neural network as a nonlinear transfer function model for retrieving surface wind speeds from the special sensor microwave imager
VM Krasnopolsky, LC Breaker, WH Gemmill
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 100 (C6), 11033-11045, 1995
Some neural network applications in environmental sciences. Part I: forward and inverse problems in geophysical remote measurements
VM Krasnopolsky, H Schiller
Neural Networks 16 (3-4), 321-334, 2003
A neural network technique to improve computational efficiency of numerical oceanic models
VM Krasnopolsky, DV Chalikov, HL Tolman
Ocean Modelling 4 (3-4), 363-383, 2002
Validation of coastal sea and lake surface temperature measurements derived from NOAA/AVHRR data
X Li, W Pichel, P Clemente-Colon, V Krasnopolsky, J Sapper
International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 (7), 1285-1303, 2001
Using ensemble of neural networks to learn stochastic convection parameterizations for climate and numerical weather prediction models from data simulated by a cloud resolving …
VM Krasnopolsky, MS Fox-Rabinovitz, AA Belochitski
Advances in Artificial Neural Systems 2013 (1), 485913, 2013
Some neural network applications in environmental sciences. Part II: Advancing computational efficiency of environmental numerical models
VM Krasnopolsky, F ́de ́ric Chevallier
Neural Networks 16 (3-4), 335-348, 2003
Leveraging modern artificial intelligence for remote sensing and NWP: Benefits and challenges
SA Boukabara, V Krasnopolsky, JQ Stewart, ES Maddy, N Shahroudi, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (12), ES473-ES491, 2019
Neural network emulations for complex multidimensional geophysical mappings: Applications of neural network techniques to atmospheric and oceanic satellite retrievals and …
VM Krasnopolsky
Reviews of Geophysics 45 (3), 2007
Neural network approximations for nonlinear interactions in wind wave spectra: direct mapping for wind seas in deep water
HL Tolman, VM Krasnopolsky, DV Chalikov
Ocean Modelling 8 (3), 253-278, 2005
Computational intelligence in earth sciences and environmental applications: Issues and challenges
V Cherkassky, V Krasnopolsky, DP Solomatine, J Valdes
Neural Networks 19 (2), 113-121, 2006
The application of neural networks in the earth system sciences
VM Krasnopolsky
Neural Networks Emulations for Complex Multidimensional Mappings 46, 2013
Accurate and fast neural network emulations of model radiation for the NCEP coupled climate forecast system: Climate simulations and seasonal predictions
VM Krasnopolsky, MS Fox-Rabinovitz, YT Hou, SJ Lord, AA Belochitski
Monthly Weather Review 138 (5), 1822-1842, 2010
A neural network nonlinear multimodel ensemble to improve precipitation forecasts over continental US
VM Krasnopolsky, Y Lin
Advances in Meteorology 2012 (1), 649450, 2012
Outlook for exploiting artificial intelligence in the earth and environmental sciences
SA Boukabara, V Krasnopolsky, SG Penny, JQ Stewart, A McGovern, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102 (5), E1016-E1032, 2021
A neural network multiparameter algorithm for SSM/I ocean retrievals: Comparisons and validations
VM Krasnopolsky, WH Gemmill, LC Breaker
Remote sensing of environment 73 (2), 133-142, 2000
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