Leonardo Lopes Costa
Macroinvertebrates as indicators of human disturbances on sandy beaches: A global review
LL Costa, IR Zalmon, L Fanini, O Defeo
Ecological Indicators 118, 106764, 2020
Evaluation of environmental quality of sandy beaches in southeastern Brazil
MC Suciu, DC Tavares, LL Costa, MCL Silva, IR Zalmon
Marine Pollution Bulletin 119 (2), 133-142, 2017
Can the Atlantic ghost crab be a potential biomonitor of microplastic pollution of sandy beaches sediment?
LL Costa, VF Arueira, MF da Costa, APM Di Beneditto, IR Zalmon
Marine Pollution Bulletin 145, 5-13, 2019
Extreme storm wave influence on sandy beach macrofauna with distinct human pressures
PM Machado, LL Costa, MC Suciu, DC Tavares, IR Zalmon
Marine Pollution Bulletin 107 (1), 125-135, 2016
Tourism impacts on benthic communities of sandy beaches
PM Machado, MC Suciu, LL Costa, DC Tavares, IR Zalmon
Marine Ecology 38 (4), e12440, 2017
Low Densities of the Ghost Crab Ocypode quadrata Related to Large Scale Human Modification of Sandy Shores
CAM Barboza, G Mattos, A Soares-Gomes, IR Zalmon, LL Costa
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 589542, 2021
Evidence of marine debris usage by the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787)
LL Costa, DF Rangel, IR Zalmon
Marine pollution bulletin 128, 438-445, 2018
Sensitivity of macroinvertebrates to human impacts on sandy beaches: a case study with tiger beetles (Insecta, Cicindelidae)
LL Costa, IR Zalmon
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 220, 142-151, 2019
Multiple metrics of the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787) for impact assessments on sandy beaches
LL Costa, IR Zalmon
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 218, 237-245, 2019
Does human pressure affect the community structure of surf zone fish in sandy beaches?
LL Costa, JG Landmann, LR Gaelzer, IR Zalmon
Continental Shelf Research 132, 1-10, 2017
Cumulative stressors impact macrofauna differentially according to sandy beach type: a meta-analysis
LL Costa, L Fanini, IR Zalmon, O Defeo, A McLachlan
Journal of Environmental Management 307, 114594, 2022
Marine litter impact on sandy beach fauna: A review to obtain an indication of where research should contribute more
LL Costa, L Fanini, M Ben-Haddad, M Pinna, IR Zalmon
Microplastics 1 (3), 554-571, 2022
Mortality of the Atlantic ghost crab Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787) due to vehicle traffic on sandy beaches: A road ecology approach
LL Costa, H Secco, VF Arueira, IR Zalmon
Journal of Environmental Management 260, 110168, 2020
The choroid plexus is permissive for a preactivated antigen-experienced memory B-cell subset in multiple sclerosis
J Haas, H Rudolph, L Costa, S Faller, S Libicher, C Würthwein, S Jarius, ...
Frontiers in Immunology 11, 618544, 2021
Interaction of the Atlantic ghost crab with marine debris: Evidence from an in situ experimental approach
LL Costa, JF Madureira, APM Di Beneditto, IR Zalmon
Marine pollution bulletin 140, 603-609, 2019
Coastal scenery quality: a management tool for sandy beaches
LL Diniz, PM Machado, JS Lima, LL Costa, ID Da Costa, IR Zalmon
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 24 (01), 2250024, 2022
Detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in dead captive psittacines in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
AM Gomes, LL Costa, DAR Vilela, MVR Marques, AG Carvalhaes, ...
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 12, 75-78, 2010
Burrow occupation rates and spatial distribution within habitat of the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787): Implications for impact assessments
LL Costa, A Soares-Gomes, IR Zalmon
Regional Studies in Marine Science 44, 101699, 2021
Surf zone fish diet as an indicator of environmental and anthropogenic influences
LL Costa, IR Zalmon
Journal of Sea Research 128, 61-75, 2017
Macroinvertebrates as umbrella species on sandy beaches
LL Costa, IR Zalmon
Biological Conservation 253, 108922, 2021
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