Luc Saulnier
Luc Saulnier
在 inra.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Wheat arabinoxylans: exploiting variation in amount and composition to develop enhanced varieties
L Saulnier, PE Sado, G Branlard, G Charmet, F Guillon
Journal of Cereal Science 46 (3), 261-281, 2007
Ferulic acid and diferulic acids as components of sugar‐beet pectins and maize bran heteroxylans
L Saulnier, JF Thibault
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 79 (3), 396-402, 1999
Isolation and partial characterization of feruloylated oligosaccharides from maize bran
L Saulnier, J Vigouroux, JF Thibault
Carbohydrate Research 272 (2), 241-253, 1995
Cell wall polysaccharide interactions in maize bran
L Saulnier, C Marot, E Chanliaud, JF Thibault
Carbohydrate polymers 26 (4), 279-287, 1995
Interspecies competition impacts targeted manipulation of human gut bacteria by fiber-derived glycans
ML Patnode, ZW Beller, ND Han, J Cheng, SL Peters, N Terrapon, ...
Cell 179 (1), 59-73. e13, 2019
Isolation of homogeneous fractions from wheat water-soluble arabinoxylans. Influence of the structure on their macromolecular characteristics
G Dervilly, L Saulnier, P Roger, JF Thibault
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48 (2), 270-278, 2000
Effects of xylanase and -glucanase addition on performance, nutrient digestibility, and physico-chemical conditions in the small intestine contents and caecal …
N Mathlouthi, S Mallet, L Saulnier, B Quemener, M Larbier
Animal Research 51 (05), 395-406, 2002
Isolation and structural determination of two 5, 5′-diferuloyl oligosaccharides indicate that maize heteroxylans are covalently cross-linked by oxidatively coupled ferulates
L Saulnier, MJ Crépeau, M Lahaye, JF Thibault, MT Garcia-Conesa, ...
Carbohydrate Research 320 (1-2), 82-92, 1999
The simultaneous repression of CCR and CAD, two enzymes of the lignin biosynthetic pathway, results in sterility and dwarfism in Arabidopsis thaliana
J Thévenin, B Pollet, B Letarnec, L Saulnier, L Gissot, A Maia-Grondard, ...
Molecular plant 4 (1), 70-82, 2011
Variability in grain extract viscosity and water-soluble arabinoxylan content in wheat
L Saulnier, N Peneau, JF Thibault
Journal of Cereal Science 22 (3), 259-264, 1995
Water-extractable arabinoxylan from pearled flours of wheat, barley, rye and triticale. Evidence for the presence of ferulic acid dimers and their involvement in gel formation
G Dervilly-Pinel, L Rimsten, L Saulnier, R Andersson, P Åman
Journal of Cereal Science 34 (2), 207-214, 2001
FT-IR investigation of cell wall polysaccharides from cereal grains. Arabinoxylan infrared assignment
P Robert, M Marquis, C Barron, F Guillon, L Saulnier
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 (18), 7014-7018, 2005
Alkaline extraction and characterisation of heteroxylans from maize bran
E Chanliaud, L Saulnier, JF Thibault
Journal of Cereal Science 21 (2), 195-203, 1995
Effect of wheat dietary fibres on bread dough development and rheological properties
M Bonnand-Ducasse, G Della Valle, J Lefebvre, L Saulnier
Journal of Cereal Science 52 (2), 200-206, 2010
Structural variability of arabinoxylans from wheat flour. Comparison of water-extractable and xylanase-extractable arabinoxylans
JJ Ordaz-Ortiz, L Saulnier
Journal of Cereal Science 42 (1), 119-125, 2005
Structural studies of pectic substances from the pulp of grape berries
L Saulnier, JM Brillouet, JP Joseleau
Carbohydrate Research 182 (1), 63-78, 1988
Down-Regulation of the CSLF6 Gene Results in Decreased (1,3;1,4)-β-d-Glucan in Endosperm of Wheat
C Nemeth, J Freeman, HD Jones, C Sparks, TK Pellny, MD Wilkinson, ...
Plant physiology 152 (3), 1209-1218, 2010
Relationships between mixograph parameters and indices of wheat grain quality
JP Martinant, Y Nicolas, A Bouguennec, Y Popineau, L Saulnier, ...
Journal of Cereal Science 27 (2), 179-189, 1998
Experimental evidence for a semi-flexible conformation for arabinoxylans
G Dervilly-Pinel, JF Thibault, L Saulnier
Carbohydrate Research 330 (3), 365-372, 2001
Isolation and characterization of high molar mass water-soluble arabinoxylans from barley and barley malt
G Dervilly, C Leclercq, D Zimmermann, C Roue, JF Thibault, L Saulnier
Carbohydrate polymers 47 (2), 143-149, 2002
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