Montalvo, Claudia I.
Montalvo, Claudia I.
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa
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Los marsupiales (Mammalia) del Mioceno Superior de la Formación Cerro Azul (Provincia de La Pampa, Argentina)
FJ Goin, C Montalvo, G Visconti
Estudios geológicos 56, 2000
Biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Monte Hermoso Formation (early Pliocene) at its type locality, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
RL Tomassini, CI Montalvo, CM Deschamps, T Manera
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 48, 31-42, 2013
Biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Late Miocene of central Argentina: evidence from rodents and taphonomy
DH Verzi, CI Montalvo, CM Deschamps
Geobios 41 (1), 145-155, 2008
The oldest South American Cricetidae (Rodentia) and Mustelidae (Carnivora): late Miocene faunal turnover in central Argentina and the Great American biotic interchange
DH Verzi, CI Montalvo
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 267 (3-4), 284-291, 2008
Mamíferos continentales del Mioceno tardío a la actualidad en la Argentina: cincuenta años de estudios
MG Vucetich, SF Vizcaíno, EC Vieytes, DH Verzi, LH Soibelzon, ...
Ameghiniana, 2007
Taphonomic analysis of remains of mammals eaten by pumas (Puma concolor Carnivora, Felidae) in central Argentina
CI Montalvo, MEM Pessino, VH González
Journal of Archaeological Science 34 (12), 2151-2160, 2007
Root traces in fossil bones from the Huayquerian (Late Miocene) faunal assemblage of Telén, La Pampa, Argentina
CI Montalvo
Acta geológica hispánica, 37-42, 2002
A re-evaluation of the taphonomic methodology for the study of small mammal fossil assemblages of South America
FJ Fernández, CI Montalvo, Y Fernández-Jalvo, P Andrews, JM López
Quaternary Science Reviews 155, 37-49, 2017
The Great American Biotic Interchange revisited: a new perspective from the stable isotope record of Argentine Pampas fossil mammals
L Domingo, RL Tomassini, CI Montalvo, D Sanz-Pérez, MT Alberdi
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1608, 2020
Taphonomy of the bones of rodents consumed by Andean hog-nosed skunks (Conepatus chinga, Carnivora, Mephitidae) in central Argentina
CI Montalvo, MEM Pessino, FC Bagatto
Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (6), 1481-1488, 2008
Los Mesotheriinae (Mesotheriidae, Notoungulata) del Mioceno superior de La Pampa, Argentina
E Cerdeño, CI Montalvo
Spanish Journal of Palaeontology 16 (1), 63-75, 2001
Taphonomy of the accumulations produced by Caracara plancus (Falconidae): Analysis of prey remains and pellets
C Montalvo, PO Tallade
Journal of Taphonomy 7 (2), 235-248, 2009
Un nuevo Eumysopinae (Rodentia, Echimyidae) del Mioceno tardío de la provincia de La Pampa y consideraciones sobre la historia de la subfamilia.
DH Verzi, MG Vucetich, CI Montalvo
Ameghiniana 32 (2), 191-195, 1995
Vertebrate taphonomy in loess-palaeosol deposits: a case study from the late Miocene of central Argentina
CI Montalvo, RN Melchor, G Visconti, E Cerdeño
Geobios 41 (1), 133-143, 2008
Capybaras (Rodentia, Hydrochoeridae, Hydrochoerinae) and their bearing in the calibration of the late Miocene–Pliocene sequences of South America
CM Deschamps, MG Vucetich, CI Montalvo, MA Zárate
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 48, 145-158, 2013
Octodontid-like Echimyidae (Rodentia): an upper Miocene episode in the radiation of the family
DH Verzi, MG Vucetich, CI Montalvo
Palaeovertebrata 23 (1-4), 199-210, 1994
Review of the actualistic taphonomy of small mammals ingested by South American predators: its importance in the interpretation of the fossil record
CI Montalvo, FJ Fernández
Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina 19, 2019
Un nuevo Xenodontomys (Rodentia, Octodontidae) del Mioceno tardío de La Pampa, Argentina. Patrón evolutivo y biocronología
DH Verzi, CI Montalvo, SI Tiranti
Ameghiniana 40 (2), 229-238, 2003
Dasypodidae (Xenarthra, Cingulata) de la Formación Cerro Azul (Mioceno tardío) de la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina
JJ Urrutia, CI Montalvo, GJ Scillato-Yané
Ameghiniana 45 (2), 289-302, 2008
Paleobiología de la Asociación faunística de Caleufú (La Pampa, Formación Cerro Azul, Mioceno superior-Plioceno inferior), a través de análisis tafonómicos
CI Montalvo
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2004
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