Ірина Журавська / Iryna Zhuravska
Ірина Журавська / Iryna Zhuravska
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University/Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили
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Devising a method for the active coordination of video cameras in optical navigation based on the multi-agent approach
I Burlachenko, I Zhuravska, M Musiyenko
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 (9(85)), P. 17-25, 2017
Vulnerabilities analysis and defense based on MAS method in fast dynamic wireless networks
I Burlachenko, I Zhuravska, Y Davydenko, V Savinov
2018 IEEE 4th international symposium on wireless systems within the …, 2018
Development the heat leak detection method for hidden thermal objects by means the information-measuring computer system
I Zhuravska, M Musyienko, O Tohoiev
CEUR workshop proceedings, 350-364, 2019
Development of double median filter for optical navigation problems
MP Musiyenko, OO Denysov, IM Zhuravska, IS Burlachenko
IEEE First International Conference "Data Stream Mining & Processing (DSMP …, 2016
Detection the places of the heat energy leak on the underground thermal pipelines using the computer system
I Zhuravska, D Lernatovych, O Burenko
Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J 4 (3), 1-9, 2019
Development of a method for determining the area of operation of unmanned vehicles formation by using the graph theory
I Zhuravska, I Kulakovska, M Musiyenko
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2 (No. 3(92)), P. 4-12, 2018
Simulation the behavior of robot sub-swarm in spatial corridors
MP Musiyenko, IM Zhuravska, IV Kulakovska, AV Kulakovska
IEEE 36th International Conference "Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO …, 2016
Diagnostics of power consumption of a mobile device multi-core processor with detail of each core utilization
K Obukhova, I Zhuravska, V Burenko
2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in …, 2020
Self-powered information measuring wireless networks using the distribution of tasks within multicore processors
IM Zhuravska, OO Koretska, MP Musiyenko, W Surtel, A Assembay, ...
Proceedings of SPIE 10445 (1044527), 104451-1044513, 2017
Ensuring a stable wireless communication in cyber-physical systems with moving objects
IM Zhuravska
Technology audit and production reserves 5 (2), 31, 2016
Гетерогенні комп’ютерні мережі критичного застосування на основі роїв та зграй БПЛА
ІМ Журавська
ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили, 2019
The monitoring system based on a multi-agent approach for moving objects positioning in wireless networks.
O Tohoiev, I Burlachenko, I Zhuravska, V Savinov
CMIS, 79-90, 2020
Reduction of noise similar to solar interference in computer networks based on power line communication
D Rumiankov, I Zhuravska, L Solobuto, M Musiyenko
9th IEEE International Conference "Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced …, 2017
The principles of the cyber-physical components’ organization based on the methods of the multi-agent interaction of the moving objects
M Musiyenko, I Zhuravska, I Burlachenko, O Denysov
Advances in cyber-physical systems, 51-60, 2016
Hardware-software complex to diagnostic and rehabilitation the patients with damages of cervical-thoracic spine and hand nerves
V Shurbin, I Zhuravska, V Polianichkin, M Hnezdilov, A Boiko, V Burenko
2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …, 2020
IoT-мережа на базі Bluetooth-модулів для автоматизованого керування споживанням енергоресурсів
ІМ Журавська
Комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології: освіта, наука, виробництво ; Луцьк. нац …, 2018
Інтеграція даних мережевого трафіку мультисервісної корпоративної мережі з класами постреляційної СКБД CACHÉ
МТ Фісун, ІМ Журавська, ГВ Горбань
Наукові праці : наук.-метод. журн. – ISSN 1609 7742. – (Серія «Комп’ютерні …, 2011
Efficiency improvement of using unmanned aerial vehicles by distribution of tasks between the cores of the computing processor
I Zhuravska, S Borovlyova, M Kostyria, O Koretska
Technology audit and production reserves 6 (No. 2 (38)), P. 4-13, 2017
Forming the area of unacceptable values of the parameters of vessels’ movement for the vessels’ divergence at remote control process
I Burmaka, I Vorokhobin, M Vorokhobin, I Zhuravska
Acta Innovations 44, 5-17, 2022
Heatmaps for catering establishments web-applications available via MAS-improved wireless networks
I Zhuravska, K Obukhova, I Burlachenko, V Savinov, A Boiko
2020 IEEE 5th International Symposium on Smart and Wireless Systems within …, 2020
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