Salivary testosterone, cortisol, and progesterone: two-week stability, interhormone correlations, and effects of time of day, menstrual cycle, and oral contraceptive use on … SH Liening, SJ Stanton, EK Saini, OC Schultheiss Physiology & behavior 99 (1), 8-16, 2010 | 295 | 2010 |
Dominance, politics, and physiology: Voters' testosterone changes on the night of the 2008 United States presidential election SJ Stanton, JC Beehner, EK Saini, CM Kuhn, KS LaBar PloS one 4 (10), e7543, 2009 | 202 | 2009 |
Stressful politics: Voters’ cortisol responses to the outcome of the 2008 United States presidential election SJ Stanton, KS LaBar, EK Saini, CM Kuhn, JC Beehner Psychoneuroendocrinology 35 (5), 768-774, 2010 | 118 | 2010 |
Neighborhood economic deprivation and social fragmentation: associations with children’s sleep EJ Bagley, TE Fuller-Rowell, EK Saini, LE Philbrook, M El-Sheikh Behavioral Sleep Medicine 16 (6), 542-552, 2018 | 62 | 2018 |
Individual variation in fathers’ testosterone reactivity to infant distress predicts parenting behaviors with their 1‐year‐old infants PX Kuo, EK Saini, E Thomason, OC Schultheiss, R Gonzalez, BL Volling Developmental psychobiology 58 (3), 303-314, 2016 | 61 | 2016 |
Perceived discrimination and youths' adjustment: Sleep as a moderator M El‐Sheikh, KM Tu, EK Saini, TE Fuller‐Rowell, JA Buckhalt Journal of Sleep Research 25 (1), 70-77, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
Socioeconomic status and sleep in adolescence: The role of family chaos. LE Philbrook, EK Saini, TE Fuller-Rowell, JA Buckhalt, M El-Sheikh Journal of Family Psychology 34 (5), 577, 2020 | 46 | 2020 |
Interactions between sleep duration and quality as predictors of adolescents' adjustment M El-Sheikh, EK Saini, BT Gillis, RJ Kelly Sleep health 5 (2), 180-186, 2019 | 38 | 2019 |
Is one secure attachment enough? Infant cortisol reactivity and the security of infant-mother and infant-father attachments at the end of the first year PX Kuo, EK Saini, E Tengelitsch, BL Volling Attachment & human development 21 (5), 426-444, 2019 | 37 | 2019 |
Sleep and disparities in child and adolescent development M El‐Sheikh, BT Gillis, EK Saini, SA Erath, JA Buckhalt Child development perspectives 16 (4), 200-207, 2022 | 22 | 2022 |
Discrimination and adjustment in adolescence: the moderating role of sleep M El-Sheikh, MM Zeringue, EK Saini, TE Fuller-Rowell, T Yip Sleep 45 (1), zsab215, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Socioeconomic status and sleep among couples EK Saini, MK Keiley, TE Fuller-Rowell, AM Duke, M El-Sheikh Behavioral sleep medicine 19 (2), 159-177, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Adult attachment and testosterone reactivity: Fathers' avoidance predicts changes in testosterone during the strange situation procedure RS Edelstein, K Chin, EK Saini, PX Kuo, OC Schultheiss, BL Volling Hormones and behavior 112, 10-19, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Adrenocortical interdependence in father‐infant and mother‐infant dyads: Attunement or something more? LR Bader, L Tan, R Gonzalez, EK Saini, Y Bae, L Provenzi, BL Volling Developmental psychobiology 63 (5), 1534-1548, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Longitudinal relations between sleep and cognitive functioning in children: Self‐esteem as a moderator EK Saini, BT Gillis, L Elmore‐Staton, JA Buckhalt, M El‐Sheikh Journal of sleep research 30 (3), e13209, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Neighborhood environment and adolescent sleep: the role of family socioeconomic status MM Zeringue, EK Saini, TE Fuller-Rowell, JB Hinnant, M El-Sheikh Sleep Medicine 109, 40-49, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Social class discrimination during adolescence as a mediator of socioeconomic disparities in actigraphy-assessed and self-reported sleep TE Fuller-Rowell, EK Saini, M El-Sheikh Sleep Medicine 108, 61-70, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Adverse childhood experiences: Associations with a blunted cortisol stress response during pregnancy JT Carbone, LM Hicks, S Brown, EK Saini, CJ Dayton Maternal and Child Health Journal 27 (8), 1293-1300, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
The Moderating Role of Social Support on the Cortisol Stress Response of Expectant Fathers Exposed to Adverse Childhood Experiences S Brown, JT Carbone, LM Hicks, EK Saini, LS Panisch, CJ Dayton Journal of Family Violence, 1-11, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Do Sleep Problems Exacerbate the Mental Health Consequences of Discrimination among Adults? TE Fuller-Rowell, MM Zeringue, EK Saini, T Yip, M El-Sheikh Psychosomatic Medicine, 10.1097, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |