Hypertext markup language-2.0 T Berners-Lee, D Connolly | 786 | 1995 |
Tabulator: Exploring and analyzing linked data on the semantic web T Berners-Lee, Y Chen, L Chilton, D Connolly, R Dhanaraj, J Hollenbach, ... Proceedings of the 3rd international semantic web user interaction workshop …, 2006 | 684 | 2006 |
Daml+ oil (march 2001) reference description D Connolly http://www. w3. org/TR/daml+ oil-reference, 2001 | 429 | 2001 |
N3Logic: A logical framework for the World Wide Web T Berners-Lee, D Connolly, L Kagal, Y Scharf, J Hendler Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 8 (3), 249-269, 2008 | 334 | 2008 |
Notation3 (N3): A readable RDF syntax T Berners-Lee, D Connolly W3C team submission 28, 2011 | 247 | 2011 |
Gleaning resource descriptions from dialects of languages (GRDDL) D Connolly W3C, W3C Recommendation 11, 2007 | 210 | 2007 |
Expressing observations from electronic medical record flowsheets in an i2b2 based clinical data repository to support research and quality improvement LR Waitman, JJ Warren, ELV Manos, DW Connolly AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2011, 1454, 2011 | 145 | 2011 |
Web ontology language (OWL) reference version 1.0 M Dean, D Connolly, F van Harmelen, J Hendler, I Horrocks, ... W3C Working Draft 12, 2002 | 136 | 2002 |
Notation3 T Berners-Lee http://www. w3. org/DesignIssues/Notation3. html, 1998 | 124 | 1998 |
Creating a policy-aware web: Discretionary, rule-based access for the world wide web DJ Weitzner, J Hendler, T Berners-Lee, D Connolly Web and information security, 1-31, 2006 | 123 | 2006 |
Hypertext markup language: A representation of textual information and metainformation for retrieval and interchange T Berners-Lee, D Connolly CERN Internal Draft 26, 1993 | 121 | 1993 |
Delta: an ontology for the distribution of differences between RDF graphs T Berners-Lee, D Connolly World Wide Web, http://www. w3. org/DesignIssues/Diff 4 (3), 4-3, 2004 | 110 | 2004 |
Using semantic web technologies for policy management on the web L Kagal, T Berners-Lee, D Connolly, D Weitzner Proceedings of the national conference on Artificial Intelligence 21 (2), 1337, 2006 | 108 | 2006 |
Primer: Getting into rdf & semantic web using n3 T Berners-Lee, D Connolly, S Hawke | 108 | 2005 |
XML: Principles, tools, and techniques D Connolly (No Title), 1997 | 108 | 1997 |
A little history of the World Wide Web D Connolly, R Cailliau W3C: A Little History of the World Wide Web, 2000 | 94 | 2000 |
Web architecture: Describing and exchanging data T Berners-Lee, D Connolly, RR Swick W3C Note, June, 1999 | 76 | 1999 |
The greater plains collaborative: a PCORnet clinical research data network LR Waitman, LS Aaronson, PM Nadkarni, DW Connolly, JR Campbell Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 21 (4), 637-641, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
RFC1866: Hypertext Markup Language-2.0 T Berners-Lee, D Connolly RFC Editor, 1995 | 65 | 1995 |
Extensible markup language (XML) D Connolly, J Bosak World Wide Web Consortium. URL: http://www. w3. org/XML/[accessed 1999 July 29], 1997 | 60 | 1997 |