Debbiesiu Lee
Racial discrimination and Asian mental health: A meta-analysis
DL Lee, S Ahn
The counseling psychologist 39 (3), 463-489, 2011
The relation of racial identity, ethnic identity, and racial socialization to discrimination–distress: A meta-analysis of Black Americans.
DL Lee, S Ahn
Journal of Counseling Psychology 60 (1), 1, 2013
Discrimination against Latina/os: A meta-analysis of individual-level resources and outcomes
DL Lee, S Ahn
The Counseling Psychologist 40 (1), 28-65, 2012
Over a half-century encapsulated: A multicultural content analysis of the Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1954–2009.
DL Lee, AD Rosen, V Burns
Journal of Counseling Psychology 60 (1), 154, 2013
Measuring Whiteness: A systematic review of instruments and call to action
RC Schooley, DL Lee, LB Spanierman
The Counseling Psychologist 47 (4), 530-565, 2019
Sex differences in interpersonal problems: A circumplex analysis.
MB Gurtman, DL Lee
Psychological assessment 21 (4), 515, 2009
General and multicultural case conceptualization skills: A cross-sectional analysis of psychotherapy trainees.
DL Lee, TJG Tracey
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 45 (4), 507, 2008
Vocational training in juvenile detention: A call for action
EJ Ameen, DL Lee
The Career Development Quarterly 60 (2), 98-108, 2012
Assessing changes in counselor trainees' multicultural competence related to service learning
DL Lee, AD Rosen, JJ McWhirter
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 42 (1), 31-41, 2014
Anti-effeminacy moderates the relationship between masculinity and internalized heterosexism among gay men
MAJ Murgo, KD Huynh, DL Lee, JC Chrisler
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling 11 (2), 106-118, 2017
Attending to the intersectionality and saliency of clients’ identities: A further investigation of therapists’ multicultural orientation.
C Anders, DM Kivlighan III, E Porter, D Lee, J Owen
Journal of Counseling Psychology 68 (2), 139, 2021
Complementary Approaches to Individual Differences Using Paired Comparisons and Multidimensional Scaling: Applications to Multicultural Counseling Competence.
M Darcy, D Lee, TJG Tracey
Journal of Counseling Psychology 51 (2), 139, 2004
Iron and copper effects on serum ceruloplasmin activity of rats with zinc-induced copper deficiency
D Lee Jr, G Matrone
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 130 (4 …, 1969
Does ethnicity moderate the link between drinking norms and binge drinking in college students?
BE McCabe, DL Lee, T Viray
International journal of mental health and addiction 17, 493-501, 2019
Incorporating idiographic approaches into multicultural counseling research and practice
D Lee, TJG Tracey
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development 33 (2), 66-80, 2005
Values extolled in US presidential inaugural addresses
RT Kinnier, S Dannenbaum, D Lee, P Aasen, JL Kernes
Counseling and values 48 (2), 126-130, 2004
Career transitions of highly skilled immigrants: Two case studies
A Lane, DL Lee
The Career Development Quarterly 66 (4), 315-328, 2018
Psychotherapy trainees’ multicultural case conceptualization content: Thematic differences across three cases.
DL Lee, DJ Sheridan, AD Rosen, I Jones
Psychotherapy 50 (2), 206, 2013
Evolution of retrograde transvenous obliteration techniques
M Patel, C Molvar
Seminars in Interventional Radiology 35 (03), 185-193, 2018
Incidences of school-based anti-gay and gender-related bullying: Differences across levels of education
E McEwing, JM Zolobczuk, KD Huynh, AA Gonzalez, DL Lee
Florida Public Health Review 15 (1), 3, 2018
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