Giacomo Ciambotti
Giacomo Ciambotti
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Hybrid harvesting strategies to overcome resource constraints: evidence from social enterprises in Kenya
G Ciambotti, M Pedrini
Journal of Business Ethics 168, 631-650, 2021
Local relationships matter! The impact of intellectual capital on entrepreneurial bricolage in African social entrepreneurs
G Ciambotti, F Sgrò, N Bontis, MC Zaccone
Knowledge and Process Management 28 (4), 321-330, 2021
Enabling bricolage in resource-constrained contexts: the role of sense of community and passion in African social entrepreneurs
G Ciambotti, MC Zaccone, M Pedrini
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 30 (1), 167-185, 2022
Intellectual capital in East and West African social enterprises
F Sgrò, G Ciambotti, N Bontis, A Ayiku
Knowledge and Process Management, 2020
Engaging symbiotic ecosystems to build community centred business models for the BoP: Evidence from small social enterprises in East Africa
A Sottini, G Ciambotti, D Littlewood
International Small Business Journal 40 (8), 935-965, 2022
Special issue editorial: Social innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa
D Littlewood, G Ciambotti, D Holt, L Steinfield
Africa Journal of Management 8 (3), 259-270, 2022
Building and scaling social enterprise business models for BOP markets in Kenya
G Ciambotti, D Littlewood, A Sottini, EN M’ithiria
Base of the Pyramid markets in Africa, 199-227, 2020
Opportunity recognition and exploitation in resource-scarce contexts: the role of relational capital and bricolage in African social enterprise
G Ciambotti, F Sgrò, N Bontis, MC Zaccone
Knowledge Management Research & Practice 21 (6), 1124-1136, 2023
Unpacking social impact scaling strategies: challenges and responses in African social enterprises as differentiated hybrid organizations
G Ciambotti, M Pedrini, B Doherty, M Molteni
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 29 (11), 25-57, 2023
Social Entrepreneurship Toward a Sustainable Peacebuilding
A Sottini, G Ciambotti
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, 841-851, 2021
The strauss energy business model: affordable technology innovation to empower Kenya and light up the world
G Ciambotti, A Sydow, A Sottini
SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals, 2019
Scaling Strategies of Social Enterprises in Fair-Trade Markets: Meru Herbs in Kenya
G Ciambotti, A Sottini, A Sydow
SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals, 2019
The Quality of Information of GRI Standards in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from Green Accounting Practices in Argentina
G Machain, C Santhià, G Ciambotti, MF Figueroa
Responsible Management in Emerging Markets: A Multisectoral Focus, 137-158, 2021
How to scale social innovation in the bottom of pyramid market: the story of Kenya’s innovation eye centre
ACM Sottini, G Ciambotti, A Sydow
SAGE Business Cases, 1-7, 2020
Hybrid-diversified business models in social enterprises: increase revenues with a social mission
G Ciambotti, M Pedrini
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 16723, 2019
Businesses in transition: venturing for a better world through the light of the Economy of Francesco
G Ciambotti
Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali: 4, 2021, 397-414, 2021
Totohealth in East Africa: reaching financial sustainability in the bottom of pyramid healthcare market
A Sottini, G Ciambotti, A Sydow
SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals, 2020
Social Entrepreneurship and Scaling Strategies for Poverty Alleviation
G Ciambotti
Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals - No Poverty 1, 1-11, 2020
Circular strategies of social enterprises for sustainable development in impoverished contexts: East Africa
F Cau, G Ciambotti
SDGs in Africa and the Middle East Region, 1-27, 2023
Digital adoption in micro and small enterprise clusters: a dependency theory study in Kenya
B Mkalama, G Ciambotti, B Ndemo
Handbook of Digital Entrepreneurship, 199-220, 2022
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