Butterfly beads in the Neolithic Near East: evolution, technology and socio-cultural implications H Alarashi Cambridge Archaeological Journal 26 (3), 493-512, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
La parure épipaléolithique et néolithique de la Syrie (12e au 7e millénaire avant J.-C.): Techniques et usages, échanges et identités H Alarashi Université Lyon 2 Lumière, 2014 | 36 | 2014 |
Sea shells on the riverside: Cowrie ornaments from the PPNB site of Tell Halula (Euphrates, northern Syria) H Alarashi, A Ortiz, M Molist Quaternary International 490, 98-112, 2018 | 26 | 2018 |
Household and Death, 2: Preliminary Results of the 12th Season (2018) at Late PPNB Baja, Southern Jordan HGK Gebel, M Benz, C Purschwitz, H Alarashi, J Bauer, J Gresky, ... Neo-lithics: newsletter of Southwest Asian neolithic research, 2019 | 22 | 2019 |
Shell beads in the pre-pottery neolithic B in central levant: Cypraeidae of Tell Aswad (damascus, Syria) H Alarashi Munibe 31, 88-98, 2010 | 20 | 2010 |
Les éléments de parure de Mureybet C Maréchal, H Alarashi Le site néolithique de Tell Mureybet (Syrie du Nord). En hommage à Jacques …, 2008 | 20 | 2008 |
Burying power: New insights into incipient leadership in the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic from an outstanding burial at Baʻja, southern Jordan M Benz, J Gresky, D Štefanisko, H Alarashi, C Knipper, C Purschwitz, ... PLoS One 14 (8), e0221171, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
Dog molars as personal ornaments in a Kura-Araxes child burial (Kalavan-1, Armenia) M Poulmarc'h, R Christidou, A Bălășescu, H Alarashi, F Le Mort, ... Antiquity 90 (352), 953-972, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
Similar but different–Displaying social roles of subadults in burials from the late Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Ba’ja, Southern Jordan M Benz, J Gresky, H Alarashi L’Art du paraître. Les apparences de l’humain de la Préhistoire à nos jours …, 2020 | 12 | 2020 |
PPNA Stone Grooved Pendants from the Middle Euphrates Valley: Markers of Cultural Identity? H Alarashi NEO-LITHICS 2/16, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Outils géographiques appliqués à l’étude de la provenance des matériaux utilisés pour la parure néolithique L’exemple du site de Mureybet H Alarashi, ML Chambrade Regards croisés sur l'étude des paysages anciens: Nouvelles recherches sur …, 2010 | 11 | 2010 |
Threads of memory: Reviving the ornament of a dead child at the Neolithic village of Baja (Jordan) H Alarashi, M Benz, J Gresky, A Burkhardt, A Fischer, L Gourichon, ... PLoS One 18 (8), e0288075, 2023 | 7 | 2023 |
New insights into the technological management of the Neolithic cowrie beads in the Levant: An experimental and traceological approach H Alarashi Beyond Use-Wear Traces Going from tools to people by means of archaeological …, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Microdrill use at Khiamian sites in central and northern Levant (Syria and Lebanon) JE González Urquijo, F Abbès, H Alarashi, JJ Ibáñez-Estévez, T Lazuén Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
The Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic personal adornments from Syria (12th-7th millennium BC): Techniques and uses, exchanges and identities H Alarashi NEO-LITHICS: The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research 1, 45-46, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
Moments of memory and belonging. A special child burial from Neolithic Ba ‘ja, Southern Jordan M Benz, H Alarashi, J Gresky, C Purschwitz, HG Gebe Normative, Atypical or Deviant, 10-31, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Elements of Ornaments in Non-Burial Contexts: Investigations on raw-materials, production and use-wear H Alarashi Death in Ba’ja. Sepulchral identities and symbolism in the early Neolithic …, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
11 Cementochronology Protocol for Selecting a Region of Interest in Zooarchaeology W Rendu, S Naji, É Pubert, C Sánchez-Hernández, M Vuillien, H Alarashi, ... Dental Cementum in Anthropology, 201, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Djibouti. Des Paysages & des Hommes. Regards sur le patrimoine archéologique du Lac Abhé. Préface d’Yves Coppens J Cauliez, X Gutherz, H Alarashi, L Bruxelles, L Coudert, I Crevecoeur, ... Éditions du CERD, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
“Yaşamda ve Ölümde”-Akeramik Neolitik Dönem’de Boncuklar ve Kimlikler, Aşıklı Höyük Örneği S Yelözer, H Alarashi Türkiye Arkeolojisinde Takı ve Boncuk: Arkeolojik ve Arkeometrik Çalışmalar …, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |