Jonathan Simon Barnard
Jonathan Simon Barnard
Electron Microscopy Facility Manager, Rosalind Franklin Institute
在 rfi.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Electron-beam-induced strain within InGaN quantum wells: False indium “cluster” detection in the transmission electron microscope
TM Smeeton, MJ Kappers, JS Barnard, ME Vickers, CJ Humphreys
Applied physics letters 83 (26), 5419-5421, 2003
Microstructure of selective laser melted CM247LC nickel-based superalloy and its evolution through heat treatment
VD Divya, R Muñoz-Moreno, O Messé, JS Barnard, S Baker, T Illston, ...
Materials Characterization 114, 62-74, 2016
Optical and microstructural studies of InGaN∕ GaN single-quantum-well structures
DM Graham, A Soltani-Vala, P Dawson, MJ Godfrey, TM Smeeton, ...
Journal of applied physics 97 (10), 2005
Grain-boundary precipitation in Allvac 718Plus
EJ Pickering, H Mathur, A Bhowmik, O Messé, JS Barnard, MC Hardy, ...
Acta Materialia 60 (6-7), 2757-2769, 2012
Threading plasmonic nanoparticle strings with light
LO Herrmann, VK Valev, C Tserkezis, JS Barnard, S Kasera, ...
Nature Communications 5 (1), 4568, 2014
High-resolution three-dimensional imaging of dislocations
JS Barnard, J Sharp, JR Tong, PA Midgley
Science 313 (5785), 319-319, 2006
On the origin of threading dislocations in GaN films
MA Moram, CS Ghedia, DVS Rao, JS Barnard, Y Zhang, MJ Kappers, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (7), 2009
Determination of the indium content and layer thicknesses in InGaN/GaN quantum wells by x-ray scattering
ME Vickers, MJ Kappers, TM Smeeton, EJ Thrush, JS Barnard, ...
Journal of applied physics 94 (3), 1565-1574, 2003
Deformation of silicon–insights from microcompression testing at 25–500 C
S Korte, JS Barnard, RJ Stearn, WJ Clegg
International Journal of Plasticity 27 (11), 1853-1866, 2011
Growth and characterisation of GaN with reduced dislocation density
R Datta, MJ Kappers, ME Vickers, JS Barnard, CJ Humphreys
Superlattices and Microstructures 36 (4-6), 393-401, 2004
Segregation assisted microtwinning during creep of a polycrystalline L12-hardened Co-base superalloy
LP Freund, OMDM Messé, JS Barnard, M Göken, S Neumeier, CMF Rae
Acta Materialia 123, 295-304, 2017
Organization of nanoparticles in polymer brushes
R Oren, Z Liang, JS Barnard, SC Warren, U Wiesner, WTS Huck
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (5), 1670-1671, 2009
The Chemical Application of High‐Resolution Electron Tomography: Bright Field or Dark Field?
JM Thomas, PA Midgley, TJV Yates, JS Barnard, R Raja, I Arslan, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 43 (48), 6745-6747, 2004
On the precipitation of delta phase in ALLVAC® 718Plus
OM Messé, JS Barnard, EJ Pickering, PA Midgley, CMF Rae
Philosophical Magazine 94 (10), 1132-1152, 2014
Growth and characterisation of semi-polar (1l2¯ 2) InGaN/GaN MQW structures
MJ Kappers, JL Hollander, C McAleese, CF Johnston, RF Broom, ...
Journal of crystal growth 300 (1), 155-159, 2007
Functional conductive nanomaterials via polymerisation in nano-channels: PEDOT in a MOF
T Wang, M Farajollahi, S Henke, T Zhu, SR Bajpe, S Sun, JS Barnard, ...
Materials Horizons 4 (1), 64-71, 2017
Atom probe tomography assessment of the impact of electron beam exposure on InxGa1− xN/GaN quantum wells
SE Bennett, DW Saxey, MJ Kappers, JS Barnard, CJ Humphreys, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (2), 2011
The impact of electron beam damage on the detection of indium-rich localisation centres in InGaN quantum wells using transmission electron microscopy.
TM Smeeton, CJ Humphreys, JS Barnard, MJ Kappers
Journal of materials science 41 (9), 2006
Three-dimensional analysis of dislocation networks in GaN using weak-beam dark-field electron tomography
JS Barnard, J Sharp, JR Tong, PA Midgley
Philosophical Magazine 86 (29-31), 4901-4922, 2006
Current–voltage instabilities in GaN/AlGaN resonant tunnelling structures
CT Foxon, SV Novikov, AE Belyaev, LX Zhao, O Makarovsky, DJ Walker, ...
physica status solidi (c), 2389-2392, 2003
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