Leonid Taraniuk
Leonid Taraniuk
其他姓名Таранюк Леонід Миколайович, Таранюк Леонид Николаевич
професор кафедри міжнародних економічних відносин Сумського державного університету
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Estimation of the marketing potential of industrial enterprises in the period of re-engineering of business processes
L Taraniuk, DS Kobyzskyi, M Thomson
Problems and Perspectives in Management 16 (2), 412-423, 2018
Basic financing principles of anti-covid measures: the case of the bank for international settlements.
KV Taraniuk, LM Taraniuk, II Diakonova
Sumy State University, 2020
Influence of the minimum salary level increase on the business entities activity in the context of the transition to the sustainable development
L Melnyk, LM Taraniuk, O Kozmenko, L Sineviciene
Problems and perspectives in management, 72-79, 2017
International aspects of assessing the logistic potential of the main countries of agricultural production
LM Taraniuk, J Wang, H Qiu, Y Petrushenko, K Taraniuk
Problems and Perspectives in Management 17 (3), 31, 2019
Personnel aspects of marketing activity reengineering at the industrial enterprises
LM Taraniuk, DS Kobyzkyi, KV Taraniuk, V Dimitrova
LLC" Consulting Publishing Company" Business Perspectives", 2018
Cross-country analysis of competitiveness towards innovation potential assessment for industrials
H Shvindina, L Taraniuk, S Kotenko, A Awujola, K Taraniuk, Q Hongzhou
Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR) 9 (2), 165-182, 2022
Ekonomichne obgruntuvannya biznes-procesyv virobnychyh pidpryemstv
LM Taraniuk
VVP “Mriya-1”, Sumy, Ukraine, 2010
Актуальні тенденції впровадження елементів електронного урядування у сфері громадського здоров’я умовах загрози світової пандемії
ОІ Деміхов, ІВ Бєлова, ЛМ Таранюк
Хмельницький університет управління та права ім. Леоніда Юзькова, 2020
Ekonomichne obgruntuvannia reinzhynirynhu biznes-protsesiv vyrobnychykh pidpryiemstv
LM Taraniuk
Sumy: VPP “Mriia-1” TOV, 2010
Ekonomichni osnovy reinzhynirynhu biznes-protsesiv [The economic fundamentals of business process reengineering]
LM Taraniuk
Mriia-1, Sumy, Ukraine, 2008
Methodological basis of risk management system with regard to industrial activities in the course of radical transformations
L Taraniuk, К Taraniuk
Економічний часопис-ХХІ, 67-70, 2016
Research of development of Chinese logistics enterprises based on the technology of the internet of things
L Taraniuk, H Qiu, K Taraniuk
2020 IEEE International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications …, 2020
Organizational and economic aspects of benchmarking innovative products at the automobile industry enterprises
LM Taraniuk, KV Taraniuk, VY Shimko, TV Marchenko
Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій, 108-116, 2016
Assessment of the technological readiness of the countries of the world for the radical innovations
M Vashchenko, L Taraniuk, Y Danko, K Taraniuk
Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій, 86-97, 2018
Scientific and methodical approach to project ranking on the basis of reengineering of business processes at industrial enterprises by their level of profitability
L Taraniuk
Economic Annals–ХХІ 159 (5-6), 58-62, 2016
Organizational and Economic Opportunities of Reengineering Business-processes as Part of the Effective Functioning for Native Machine-building Branch Recreation
LM Taraniuk, DS Kobyzkyi, KV Taraniuk
Sumy State University, 2016
Науково-методичний підхід до ранжування проектів реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів промислових підприємств за рівнем дохідності
L Taraniuk
Економічний часопис-ХХІ 159 (5-6), 58-62, 2016
Implementation of sustainable development goals in the context of the implementation of tourist services in the digital society in Ukraine
L Taraniuk, R Korsakiene, K Taraniuk, O Kasian
Socio-economic relations in the digital society 2 (48), 25-37, 2023
Scientific Aspects of the Formation of the Logistics System of Agricultural Companies
Л Таранюк, Х Цю
Mechanism of an economic regulation, 74-82, 2021
The current situation with Ukraine's external debt
LM Taraniuk, R Neronov, H Qiu
Сумський державний університет, 2021
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