Hui Li
Hui Li
Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology; The University
在 bit.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
CO2 emissions, economic and population growth, and renewable energy: empirical evidence across regions
K Dong, G Hochman, Y Zhang, R Sun, H Li, H Liao
Energy Economics 75, 180-192, 2018
Does natural gas consumption mitigate CO2 emissions: testing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis for 14 Asia-Pacific countries
K Dong, R Sun, H Li, H Liao
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94, 419-429, 2018
Impact of natural gas consumption on CO2 emissions: panel data evidence from China’s provinces
K Dong, R Sun, G Hochman, X Zeng, H Li, H Jiang
Journal of cleaner production 162, 400-410, 2017
Energy intensity and energy conservation potential in China: a regional comparison perspective
K Dong, R Sun, G Hochman, H Li
Energy 155, 782-795, 2018
A review of China’s energy consumption structure and outlook based on a long-range energy alternatives modeling tool
KY Dong, RJ Sun, H Li, HD Jiang
Petroleum Science 14, 214-227, 2017
Life cycle environmental impact assessment of fuel mix-based biomass co-firing plants with CO2 capture and storage
B Yang, YM Wei, Y Hou, H Li, P Wang
Applied Energy 252, 113483, 2019
Some Like It Hot: Heat Resistance of Escherichia coli in Food
H Li, M Gänzle
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 1763, 2016
A comparative analysis of the life cycle environmental emissions from wind and coal power: Evidence from China
H Li, HD Jiang, KY Dong, YM Wei, H Liao
Journal of Cleaner Production 248, 119192, 2020
Environmental Kuznets curve for PM2. 5 emissions in Beijing, China: what role can natural gas consumption play?
K Dong, R Sun, C Dong, H Li, X Zeng, G Ni
Ecological Indicators 93, 591-601, 2018
A novel multi-variable grey forecasting model and its application in forecasting the grain production in China
B Zeng, H Li, X Ma
Computers & Industrial Engineering 150, 106915, 2020
COVID-19 and energy: Influence mechanisms and research methodologies
L Zhang, H Li, WJ Lee, H Liao
Sustainable Production and Consumption 27, 2134-2152, 2021
An analysis of research hotspots and modeling techniques on carbon capture and storage
H Li, HD Jiang, B Yang, H Liao
Science of the total environment 687, 687-701, 2019
Is natural gas consumption mitigating air pollution? Fresh evidence from national and regional analysis in China
H Li, M Shahbaz, H Jiang, K Dong
Sustainable Production and Consumption 27, 325-336, 2021
Control of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria in meat and meat products by high pressure: Challenges and future perspectives
H Li, X Sun, X Liao, M Gänzle
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 19 (6), 3476-3500, 2020
Modeling, prediction and analysis of new energy vehicle sales in China using a variable-structure grey model
B Zeng, H Li, C Mao, Y Wu
Expert systems with applications 213, 118879, 2023
Risk assessment of China’s overseas oil refining investment using a fuzzy-grey comprehensive evaluation method
H Li, K Dong, H Jiang, R Sun, X Guo, Y Fan
Sustainability 9 (5), 696, 2017
The role of weather conditions in COVID-19 transmission: A study of a global panel of 1236 regions
C Zhang, H Liao, E Strobl, H Li, R Li, SS Jensen, Y Zhang
Journal of cleaner production 292, 125987, 2021
Prediction of coalbed methane production in China based on an optimized grey system model
B Zeng, H Li
Energy & Fuels 35 (5), 4333-4344, 2021
A provincial lateral carbon emissions compensation plan in China based on carbon budget perspective
Y Miao, C Kong, L Wang, J Mu, X Lu, J Bao, H Li
Science of the Total Environment 692, 1086-1096, 2019
Effect of hydrostatic pressure and antimicrobials on survival of Listeria monocytogenes and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli in beef
H Li, M Gänzle
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 38, 321-327, 2016
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