Hillary A. Barron
I will teach you here or there, I will try to teach you anywhere: Perceived supports and barriers for emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic
C Donham, HA Barron, JS Alkhouri, M Changaran Kumarath, W Alejandro, ...
International journal of STEM education 9 (1), 19, 2022
The culturally responsive science teaching practices of undergraduate biology teaching assistants
HA Barron, JC Brown, S Cotner
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 58 (9), 1320-1358, 2021
Building excellence in scientific teaching: How important is the evidence for evidence-based teaching when training STEM TAs?
LE Patrick, HA Barron, JC Brown, S Cotner
Journal of microbiology & biology education 22 (1), 10.1128/jmbe. v22i1. 2473, 2021
So, This Is Basically the Thingy, Right? Student Sense Making in Science.
MH Koomen, HA Barron, A Hoffman, E Rodriguez
Science Educator 27 (1), 46-59, 2019
Advancing equity through culturally responsive undergraduate science education: A grounded theory and postcolonial perspective of culturally responsive science teaching
HA Barron
University of Minnesota, 2019
Building excellence in scientific teaching: The BEST approach for training teaching assistants to make their labs more active
LE Patrick, HA Barron, JC Brown, SH Cotner
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10), 2018
Journey to becoming a culturally responsive science educator: reflections about use and barriers from graduate teaching assistants at a Minority-Serving Institution
K McAnally, HA Barron, I Woodruff, L Beaster-Jones, E Menke, ...
Frontiers in Education 9, 1418689, 2024
Cultivating Teachers’ Indigenous Knowledge Through Explorations of Milkweed and Phenology
HA Barron, E Mohl, M Koomen
The Science Teacher 91 (5), 52-61, 2024
Building Excellence in Scientific Teaching: In Training STEM TAs, How Important Is the Evidence for Evidence-Based Teaching?
H Barron, L Patrick, J Brown, S Cotner
Correction to: I will teach you here or there, I will try to teach you anywhere: perceived supports and barriers for emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic
C Donham, HA Barron, JS Alkhouri, MC Kumarath, W Alejandro, E Menke, ...
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