Effects of capital structure and institutional–financial characteristics on earnings management practices: Evidence from Latin American firms JA Munoz Mendoza, SM Sepulveda Yelpo, CL Velosos Ramos, ... International Journal of Emerging Markets 16 (3), 580-603, 2021 | 28* | 2021 |
Impact of earnings management on agency costs: evidence from MILA markets JAM Mendoza, CLV Ramos, SMS Yelpo, CLD Fuentealba Baltic Journal of Management, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Effects of MILA on their stock markets: an empirical analysis on market activity and dynamic correlations J Muñoz, S Sepúlveda, C Veloso, C Delgado International Journal of Emerging Markets 17 (2), 574-599, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Non-linear effects of ownership structure, growth opportunities and leverage on debt maturity in Chilean firms JA Muñoz Mendoza, SM Sepúlveda Yelpo, CL Veloso Ramos Revista mexicana de economía y finanzas 14 (1), 21-40, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Does managerial discretion affect debt maturity in Chilean firms? An agency cost and asymmetric information approach JA Muñoz Mendoza, SM Sepúlveda Yelpo Ecos de Economía 20 (43), 65-87, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Household debt, automatic bill payments and inattention: Theory and evidence CLD Fuentealba, JAM Mendoza, SMS Yelpo, CLV Ramos, ... Journal of Economic Psychology 85, 102385, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
Are the effects of market concentration and income diversification on banking performance persistent? JA Muñoz-Mendoza, SM Sepúlveda-Yelpo, CL Veloso-Ramos, ... Ecos de Economía 24 (50), 25-44, 2020 | 8* | 2020 |
Market concentration and income diversification: Do they always promote the financial stability of banking industry? J Muñoz, S Sepúlveda, C Veloso, C Delgado Revista Finanzas y Política Económica 12 (2), 341-365, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Effects of foreign ownership and International Financial Reporting Standards on debt maturity in Chilean firms J Muñoz, S Sepúlveda, C Veloso, C Delgado Estudios Gerenciales - Journal of Management and Economics for Iberoamerica …, 2019 | 7* | 2019 |
La política monetaria y su impacto sobre los retornos reales del mercado bursátil chileno J Muñoz, C Recabal, A Acuña Horizontes Empresariales 6 (2), 9-29, 2007 | 7 | 2007 |
Vulnerability of European electricity markets: A quantile connectedness approach H Chuliá, T Klein, JAM Mendoza, JM Uribe Energy Policy 184, 113862, 2024 | 6 | 2024 |
Monitoring and managerial discretion effects on agency costs: Evidence from an emerging economy JA Muñoz Mendoza, SMS Yelpo, CLV Ramos, CLD Fuentealba BAR-Brazilian Administration Review 18, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
Paridad del poder de compra: evidencia empírica de largo plazo JA Muñoz Mendoza Theoria 20 (1), 33-41, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Impacts of earnings management and institutional-financial development on capital structure choice in Latin-American markets JA Muñoz Mendoza, SM Sepúlveda Yelpo, CL Veloso Ramos, ... Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 58 (9), 2695-2709, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Effects of corporate policies and governance practices on ownership structure: Evidence from Chilean Firms JA Muñoz Mendoza, SM Sepúlveda Yelpo, CL Veloso Ramos Revista Finanzas y Política Económica 10 (2), 269-286, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Relationship between earnings management and corporate risk in Latin-American firms JA Muñoz Mendoza, CL Veloso Ramos, SM Sepúlveda Yelpo, ... Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 36 (1), 1-22, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Earnings management and country-level characteristics as determinants of stock liquidity in Latin America JA Muñoz Mendoza, SM Sepúlveda Yelpo, CL Veloso Ramos, ... Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Española de Financiación y …, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Exchange Markets and Stock Markets Integration in Latin-America JA Muñoz Mendoza, CL Veloso Ramos, SM Sepúlveda Yelpo, ... Revista mexicana de economía y finanzas 17 (3), 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Uncovered interest parity and behavior of interest differentials JA Muñoz Mendoza, SM Sepúlveda Yelpo, CL Veloso Ramos, ... Revista mexicana de economía y finanzas 15 (2), 173-183, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Liquidity spillovers in the global stock markets: Lessons for risk management JAM Mendoza, G Ferreira, VAM Sanders Global Finance Journal 58, 100896, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |