Javier Soriano
Javier Soriano
在 fi.upm.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Handling smart environment devices, data and services at the semantic level with the FI-WARE core platform
F Ramparany, FG Marquez, J Soriano, T Elsaleh
2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 14-20, 2014
Fostering innovation in a mashup-oriented enterprise 2.0 collaboration environment
J Soriano, D Lizcano, MA Cañas, M Reyes, JJ Hierro
UK, sai: sisn 24 (2007), 62-68, 2007
EzWeb/FAST: reporting on a successful mashup-based solution for developing and deploying composite applications in the upcoming web of services
D Lizcano, J Soriano, M Reyes, JJ Hierro
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Integration …, 2008
Enhancing user-service interaction through a global user-centric approach to SOA
J Soriano, D Lizcano, JJ Hierro, M Reyes, C Schroth, T Janner
Fourth International Conference on Networking and Services (icns 2008), 194-203, 2008
Explicit context matching in content-based publish/subscribe systems
S Vavassori, J Soriano, D Lizcano, M Jiménez
Sensors 13 (3), 2945-2966, 2013
FLAS: A combination of proactive and reactive auto-scaling architecture for distributed services
V Rampérez, J Soriano, D Lizcano, JA Lara
Future Generation Computer Systems 118, 56-72, 2021
Internet of services
J Soriano, C Heitz, HP Hutter, R Fernández, JJ Hierro, J Vogel, ...
Evolution of Telecommunication Services: The Convergence of Telecom and …, 2013
On the use of information fusion techniques to improve information quality: Taxonomy, opportunities and challenges
R Gutiérrez, V Rampérez, H Paggi, JA Lara, J Soriano
Information Fusion 78, 102-137, 2022
A peer‐to‐peer architecture for distributed data monetization in fog computing scenarios
F de la Vega, J Soriano, M Jimenez, D Lizcano
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2018 (1), 5758741, 2018
Fundamental elements of a software design and construction theory informons and holons
F Alonso, G López, J Pazos, A Rodríguez-Patón, A Silva, FJ Soriano
International Symposium of Santa Caterina on Challenges in the Internet and …, 2004
A method for outlier detection based on cluster analysis and visual expert criteria
JA Lara, D Lizcano, V Rampérez, J Soriano
Expert Systems 37 (5), e12473, 2020
Leveraging the upcoming internet of services through an open user-service front-end framework
D Lizcano, M Jimenez, J Soriano, JM Cantera, M Reyes, JJ Hierro, ...
Towards a Service-Based Internet: First European Conference, ServiceWave …, 2008
From SLA to vendor‐neutral metrics: An intelligent knowledge‐based approach for multi‐cloud SLA‐based broker
V Rampérez, J Soriano, D Lizcano, S Aljawarneh, JA Lara
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 37 (12), 10533-10575, 2022
Towards the definition of an information quality metric for information fusion models
H Paggi, J Soriano, JA Lara, E Damiani
Computers & Electrical Engineering 89, 106907, 2021
A user-centric approach for developing and deploying service front-ends in the future internet of services
D Lizcano, J Soriano, M Reyes, JJ Hierro
International Journal of Web and Grid Services 5 (2), 155-191, 2009
A multi-agent system for minimizing information indeterminacy within information fusion scenarios in peer-to-peer networks with limited resources
H Paggi, J Soriano, JA Lara
Information Sciences 451, 271-294, 2018
Implementation of end-user development success factors in mashup development environments
D Lizcano, G López, J Soriano, J Lloret
Computer Standards & Interfaces 47, 1-18, 2016
A component-and connector-based approach for end-user composite web applications development
D Lizcano, F Alonso, J Soriano, G López
Journal of Systems and Software 94, 108-128, 2014
A new end-user composition model to empower knowledge workers to develop rich internet applications
D Lizcano, F Alonso, J Soriano, G Lopez
Journal of Web Engineering, 197-233, 2011
Enterprise Mashup Putting a face on the next generation global SOA
MA Cañas, JJ Hierro, V Hoyer, T Janner, D Lizcano, M Reyes, C Schroth, ...
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems …, 2007
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