Alix Timko
Alix Timko
Clinical Psychologist, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
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Craving F acebook? Behavioral addiction to online social networking and its association with emotion regulation deficits
JM Hormes, B Kearns, CA Timko
Addiction 109 (12), 2079-2088, 2014
Acceptance and commitment therapy as a novel treatment for eating disorders: an initial test of efficacy and mediation
A Juarascio, J Shaw, E Forman, CA Timko, J Herbert, M Butryn, D Bunnell, ...
Behavior modification 37 (4), 459-489, 2013
Pro-eating disorder communities on social networking sites: a content analysis
AS Juarascio, A Shoaib, CA Timko
Eating disorders 18 (5), 393-407, 2010
The relationship of sex and sexual orientation to self-esteem, body shape satisfaction, and eating disorder symptomatology
C Yean, EM Benau, A Dakanalis, JM Hormes, J Perone, CA Timko
Frontiers in psychology 4, 887, 2013
Will the real vegetarian please stand up? An investigation of dietary restraint and eating disorder symptoms in vegetarians versus non-vegetarians
CA Timko, JM Hormes, J Chubski
Appetite 58 (3), 982-990, 2012
Psychological inflexibility and symptom expression in anorexia nervosa
RM Merwin, CA Timko, AA Moskovich, KK Ingle, CM Bulik, NL Zucker
Eating Disorders 19 (1), 62-82, 2010
Attachment insecurities, maladaptive perfectionism, and eating disorder symptoms: A latent mediated and moderated structural equation modeling analysis across diagnostic groups
A Dakanalis, CA Timko, MA Zanetti, L Rinaldi, A Prunas, G Carrà, G Riva, ...
Psychiatry Research 215 (1), 176-184, 2014
The development and validation of the food craving acceptance and action questionnaire (FAAQ)
A Juarascio, E Forman, CA Timko, M Butryn, C Goodwin
Eating behaviors 12 (3), 182-187, 2011
Rigid and flexible control of eating behavior in a college population
CA Timko, J Perone
Eating behaviors 6 (2), 119-125, 2005
Outcomes of an inpatient medical nutritional rehabilitation protocol in children and adolescents with eating disorders
R Peebles, A Lesser, CC Park, K Heckert, CA Timko, E Lantzouni, ...
Journal of Eating Disorders 5, 1-14, 2017
Moderators of the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and disordered eating
AS Juarascio, J Perone, CA Timko
Eating disorders 19 (4), 346-354, 2011
A systematic review of the effects of experimental fasting on cognition
EM Benau, NC Orloff, EA Janke, L Serpell, CA Timko
Appetite 77, 52-61, 2014
Comprehensive examination of the trans-diagnostic cognitive behavioral model of eating disorders in males
A Dakanalis, CA Timko, M Clerici, MA Zanetti, G Riva
Eating behaviors 15 (1), 63-67, 2014
Implicit internalization of the thin ideal as a predictor of increases in weight, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating
AS Juarascio, EM Forman, CA Timko, JD Herbert, M Butryn, M Lowe
Eating behaviors 12 (3), 207-213, 2011
Dieting: really harmful, merely ineffective or actually helpful?
MR Lowe, CA Timko
British Journal of Nutrition 92 (S1), S19-S22, 2004
The role of psychological flexibility in the relationship between self-concealment and disordered eating symptoms
A Masuda, MS Boone, CA Timko
Eating behaviors 12 (2), 131-135, 2011
All cravings are not created equal. Correlates of menstrual versus non-cyclic chocolate craving
JM Hormes, CA Timko
Appetite 57 (1), 1-5, 2011
What a difference a diet makes: Towards an understanding of differences between restrained dieters and restrained nondieters
MR Lowe, CA Timko
Eating Behaviors 5 (3), 199-208, 2004
Body image avoidance: An under-explored yet important factor in the relationship between body image dissatisfaction and disordered eating
CA Timko, AS Juarascio, LM Martin, A Faherty, C Kalodner
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 3 (3), 203-211, 2014
Testing the original and the extended dual-pathway model of lack of control over eating in adolescent girls. A two-year longitudinal study
A Dakanalis, CA Timko, G Carrà, M Clerici, MA Zanetti, G Riva, ...
Appetite 82, 180-193, 2014
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