Hao Jiang
Grid-to-rod flow-induced impact study for PWR fuel in reactor
H Jiang, J Qu, RY Lu, JAJ Wang
Progress in Nuclear Energy 91, 355-361, 2016
Development of U-frame bending system for studying the vibration integrity of spent nuclear fuel
H Wang, JAJ Wang, T Tan, H Jiang, TS Cox, RL Howard, BB Bevard, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 440 (1-3), 201-213, 2013
Progress Letter Report on U Frame Test Setup and Bending Fatigue Test for Vibration Integrity Study (Out-of-Cell Fatigue Testing Development–Task 2.2)
JAJ Wang, H Wang, T Tan, H Jiang, T Cox, Y Yan
ORNL/TM-2011/531, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, 2012
Methodology for mechanical property testing of fuel cladding using an expanding plug wedge test
H Jiang, JAJ Wang
Journal of nuclear materials 446 (1-3), 27-37, 2014
Spent nuclear fuel system dynamic stability under normal conditions of transportation
H Jiang, JAJ Wang
Nuclear Engineering and Design 310, 1-14, 2016
High burn-up spent nuclear fuel transport reliability investigation
JA Wang, H Wang, H Jiang, B Bevard
Nuclear Engineering and Design 330, 497-515, 2018
FY14 Status Report: CIRFT Testing Results on High Burnup UNF
JAJ Wang, H Wang, H Jiang
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). High …, 2014
Development of cone-wedge-ring-expansion test to evaluate the tensile hoop properties of nuclear fuel cladding
H Jiang, JAJ Wang
Progress in Nuclear Energy 108, 372-380, 2018
The impact of interface bonding efficiency on high-burnup spent nuclear fuel dynamic performance
H Jiang, JAJ Wang, H Wang
Nuclear Engineering and Design 309, 40-52, 2016
Small-bubble gas injection to mitigate cavitation-induced erosion damage and reduce strain in target vessels at the Spallation Neutron Source
David A.McClintock, YunLiu, Douglas R.Bruce, Drew E.Winder, Richard G ...
Materials & Design 221 (110937), 2022
Bayesian inverse uncertainty quantification of the physical model parameters for the spallation neutron source first target station
MI Radaideh, L Lin, H Jiang, S Cousineau
Results in Physics 36, 105414, 2022
Model calibration of the liquid mercury spallation target using evolutionary neural networks and sparse polynomial expansions
MI Radaideh, H Tran, L Lin, H Jiang, D Winder, S Gorti, G Zhang, J Mach, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2022
Quantifying the reduction in cavitation-induced erosion damage in the Spallation Neutron Source mercury target by means of small-bubble gas injection
H Jiang, D Winder, D McClintock, D Bruce, R Schwartz, M Kyte, T Carroll
Wear 496, 204289, 2022
Fatigue analysis of the Spallation Neutron Source 2 MW target design
J Mach, K Johns, S Gorti, H Jiang
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2021
Material damage modeling and detection in a homogeneous thin metallic sheet and sandwich panel using passive acoustic transmission
H Jiang, DE Adams, K Jata
Structural Health Monitoring 5 (4), 373-387, 2006
Design and structural assessment of the Spallation Neutron Source 2.0 MW target
K Johns, J Mach, S Gorti, H Jiang
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2021
FY 2016 Status Report: Documentation of All CIRFT Data including Hydride Reorientation Tests
JA Wang, H Wang, H Jiang, Y Yan, BB Bevard, JM Scaglione
ORNL/SR-2016/424, DOE M2FT-16OR080202031, Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National …, 2016
CIRFT testing of high-burnup used nuclear fuel rods from pressurized water reactor and boiling water reactor environments
JAJ Wang, H Wang, H Jiang, Y Yan
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2015
Development of cone wedge ring expansion test to evaluate mechanical properties of clad tubing structure
JAJ Wang
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). High …, 2016
Potential Impact of Interfacial Bonding Efficiency on Used Nuclear Fuel Vibration Integrity During Normal Transportation
H Jiang, JAJ Wang, H Wang
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 46032, V06AT06A021, 2014
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