yulyani arifin
yulyani arifin
Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University
在 binus.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Design and development game Chinese language learning with gamification and using mnemonic method
D Rawendy, Y Ying, Y Arifin, K Rosalin
Procedia Computer Science 116, 61-67, 2017
User experience metric for augmented reality application: a review
Y Arifin, TG Sastria, E Barlian
Procedia Computer Science 135, 648-656, 2018
Analyzing the factors that influence learning experience through game based learning using visual novel game for learning pancasila
J Andrew, S Henry, AN Yudhisthira, Y Arifin, SD Permai
Procedia Computer Science 157, 353-359, 2019
Web-based usability measurement for student grading information system
S Hendra, Y Arifin
Procedia Computer Science 135, 238-247, 2018
Text normalization algorithm on twitter in complaint category
N Hanafiah, A Kevin, C Sutanto, Y Arifin, J Hartanto
Procedia computer science 116, 20-26, 2017
Game education for learning Chinese language with mnemonic method
Y Ying, D Rawendy, Y Arifin
2016 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2016
Gamification for the Ancient Kingdom of Nusantara with User-Centered Design Approach
Y Arifin, M Martin, R Ryan, R Dratama
ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications 9 (1), 9-14, 2018
Designing Memory Game for Learning Healthy Life
D Yonathan, Y Arifin
Procedia Computer Science 179, 670-676, 2021
Factors affecting the behavioral intention of using Sedayuone mobile application
Y Yanfi, Y Kurniawan, Y Arifin
ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications 8 (3), 137-143, 2017
Nitipyuk: A crowdsourcing marketplace for personal shopper
I Adillah, Y Arifin, SD Permai, C Limarja
Procedia Computer Science 157, 514-520, 2019
Corruption system development based on Indonesia's corruption perception index
WLA Noerlina, A Yulyani, AAMM Sasmoko, A Mohammad, SH Kelvin
革新的コンピューティング・情報・制御に関する速報-B: 応用 9 (02), 155, 2018
Xiang Qi tournament algorithm applying Swiss pairing system
J Hartanto, Y Arifin, N Hanafiah
2016 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2016
A Web-Based Chinese Chess Xiang Qi using n-tier Architecture Model
N Hanafiah, J Hartanto, Y Arifin, H Frans, W Cristian
Procedia Computer Science 59, 14-18, 2015
Sentiment Analysis of Hashtag Activism on Social Media Twitter
S Sidharta, Y Heryadi, L Lukas, W Suparta, Y Arifin
2023 International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology …, 2023
Long short-term memory (LSTM) model-based reinforcement learning for nonlinear mass spring damper system control
S Wijaya, Y Heryadi, Y Arifin, W Suparta
Procedia Computer Science 216, 213-220, 2023
Sentiment Analysis of User Review on Indonesian Food and Beverage Group using Machine Learning Techniques
Y Yanfi, Y Heryadi, L Lukas, W Suparta, Y Arifin
2022 IEEE Creative Communication and Innovative Technology (ICCIT), 1-5, 2022
The friendship game of pancasila: Design, implementation, and evaluation
A Jonathan, HBJ Sompotan, YA Nandaline, Y Arifin
2020 International Conference on Information Management and Technology …, 2020
Plagiarism detection for indonesian language using winnowing with parallel processing
Y Arifin, SM Isa, LA Wulandhari, E Abdurachman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 978 (1), 012082, 2018
Mutu Pendidikan Pada Sekolah Standar Nasional (Studi Kasus pada Sekolah Dasar di Samarinda)
YY Arifin
INTELEGENSIA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran 2 (2), 2017
Developing an online information portal for enhancing society awareness of RPTRA (A case study RPTRA MAYA ASRI 13)
Y Arifin, EP Gunawan, M Ohyver
Procedia Computer Science 216, 144-150, 2023
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