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Phytotoxicity assessment of conventional and biodegradable plastic bags using seed germination test
E Balestri, V Menicagli, V Ligorini, S Fulignati, AMR Galletti, C Lardicci
Ecological indicators 102, 569-580, 2019
Biodegradable plastic bags on the seafloor: a future threat for seagrass meadows?
E Balestri, V Menicagli, F Vallerini, C Lardicci
Science of the Total Environment 605, 755-763, 2017
Exposure of coastal dune vegetation to plastic bag leachates: a neglected impact of plastic litter
V Menicagli, E Balestri, C Lardicci
Science of The Total Environment 683, 737-748, 2019
Adverse effects of non-biodegradable and compostable plastic bags on the establishment of coastal dune vegetation: First experimental evidences
V Menicagli, E Balestri, F Vallerini, A Castelli, C Lardicci
Environmental pollution 252, 188-195, 2019
Early evidence of the impacts of microplastic and nanoplastic pollution on the growth and physiology of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa
V Menicagli, MR Castiglione, E Balestri, L Giorgetti, S Bottega, C Sorce, ...
Science of the Total Environment 838, 156514, 2022
Use of bio-containers from seagrass wrack with nursery planting to improve the eco-sustainability of coastal habitat restoration
E Balestri, F Vallerini, M Seggiani, P Cinelli, V Menicagli, C Vannini, ...
Journal of environmental management 251, 109604, 2019
Plastics and sedimentation foster the spread of a non-native macroalga in seagrass meadows
V Menicagli, E Balestri, F Vallerini, D De Battisti, C Lardicci
Science of the Total Environment 757, 143812, 2021
Biotic resistance and vegetative propagule pressure co-regulate the invasion success of a marine clonal macrophyte
E Balestri, F Vallerini, V Menicagli, S Barnaba, C Lardicci
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 16621, 2018
Combined effect of plastic litter and increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition on vegetative propagules of dune plants: A further threat to coastal ecosystems
V Menicagli, E Balestri, F Vallerini, A Castelli, C Lardicci
Environmental Pollution 266, 115281, 2020
Impact of storms and proximity to entry points on marine litter and wrack accumulation along Mediterranean beaches: Management implications
V Menicagli, D De Battisti, E Balestri, I Federigi, F Maltagliati, M Verani, ...
Science of the total Environment 824, 153914, 2022
Beach pollution from marine litter: analysis with the DPSIR framework (driver, pressure, state, impact, response) in Tuscany, Italy
I Federigi, E Balestri, A Castelli, D De Battisti, F Maltagliati, V Menicagli, ...
Ecological Indicators 143, 109395, 2022
Microbial communities of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)-based biodegradable composites plastisphere and of surrounding environmental matrix: a comparison between marine (seabed …
C Vannini, A Rossi, F Vallerini, V Menicagli, M Seggiani, P Cinelli, ...
Science of The Total Environment 764, 142814, 2021
Leached degradation products from beached microplastics: A potential threat to coastal dune plants
V Menicagli, E Balestri, G Biale, A Corti, J La Nasa, F Modugno, ...
Chemosphere 303, 135287, 2022
Plastic litter in coastal sand dunes: Degradation behavior and impact on native and non-native invasive plants
V Menicagli, E Balestri, S Fulignati, AMR Galletti, C Lardicci
Environmental pollution 316, 120738, 2023
Managing biotic interactions during early seagrass life stages to improve seed‐based restoration
E Balestri, V Menicagli, C Lardicci
Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (11), 2453-2462, 2021
Virus contamination and infectivity in beach environment: Focus on sand and stranded material
A Carducci, I Federigi, E Balestri, C Lardicci, A Castelli, F Maltagliati, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 185, 114342, 2022
Harnessing spatial nutrient distribution and facilitative intraspecific interactions in soft eco-engineering projects to enhance coastal dune restoration
E Balestri, F Vallerini, V Menicagli, C Lardicci
Ecological Engineering 174, 106445, 2022
Substrate Type Influences the Structure of Epiphyte Communities and the Growth of Posidonia oceanica Seedlings
D De Battisti, E Balestri, G Pardi, V Menicagli, C Lardicci
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 660658, 2021
Plastic litter changes the rhizosphere bacterial community of coastal dune plants
V Menicagli, E Balestri, F Giommoni, C Vannini, C Lardicci
Science of The Total Environment 880, 163293, 2023
Stress responses of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa to environmentally relevant concentrations of pharmaceutical ibuprofen: Ecological implications
V Menicagli, MR Castiglione, E Cioni, C Spanò, E Balestri, M De Leo, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 476, 135188, 2024
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