Gerhard Schnyder 🤓
Gerhard Schnyder 🤓
Professor of International Management & Political Economy, Loughborough University London
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Institutional voids and organization studies: Towards an epistemological rupture
J Bothello, RS Nason, G Schnyder
Organization Studies 40 (10), 1499-1512, 2019
Ordoliberal lessons for economic stability: Different kinds of regulation, not more regulation
M Siems, G Schnyder
Governance 27 (3), 377-396, 2014
The rise and decline of the Swiss company network during the 20th century
G Schnyder, T David, A Mach, M Luepold
Available at SSRN 908828, 2005
What is “authoritarian” about authoritarian capitalism? The dual erosion of the private–public divide in state-dominated business systems
D Sallai, G Schnyder
Business & Society 60 (6), 1312-1348, 2021
Like a phoenix from the ashes? Reassessing the transformation of the Swedish political economy since the 1970s
G Schnyder
Journal of European Public Policy 19 (8), 1126-1145, 2012
Small states, international pressures, and interlocking directorates: the cases of Switzerland and the Netherlands
EM Heemskerk, G Schnyder
European Management Review 5 (1), 41-54, 2008
The faces of liberal capitalism: Anglo-Saxon banking systems in crisis?
S Konzelmann, M Fovargue-Davies, G Schnyder
Cambridge Journal of Economics 36 (2), 495-524, 2012
The'ordoliberal'variety of neo-liberalism
G Schnyder, M Siems
Banking Systems in the Crisis, 250-268, 2012
Manufacturing discontent: National institutions, multinational firm strategies, and anti‐globalization backlash in advanced economies
O Butzbach, DB Fuller, G Schnyder
Global Strategy Journal 10 (1), 67-93, 2020
Measuring corporate governance: Lessons from the'bundles approach'
G Schnyder
Available at SSRN 2220616, 2012
Strategic responses to global challenges: The case of European banking, 1973–2000
MJ Larson, G Schnyder, G Westerhuis, J Wilson
Mapping European Corporations, 40-62, 2013
Between a rock and a hard place: Internal-and external institutional fit of MNE subsidiary political strategy in contexts of institutional upheaval
G Schnyder, D Sallai
Journal of International Management 26 (2), 100736, 2020
De la" Forteresse des Alpes" à la valeur actionnariale: histoire de la gouvernance d'entreprise suisse (1880-2010)
T David, A Mach, M Luepold, G Schnyder
(No Title), 504, 2015
Mapping the impact of home‐and host‐country institutions on human resource management in emerging market multinational companies: A conceptual framework
T Edwards, G Schnyder, J Fortwengel
Thunderbird International Business Review 61 (3), 531-544, 2019
The transformation of post-socialist capitalism–from developmental state to clan state?
D Sallai, G Schnyder
University of Greewich Business School, 2018
Varieties of insider corporate governance: the determinants of business preferences and corporate governance reform in the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland
G Schnyder
Journal of European Public Policy 19 (9), 1434-1451, 2012
Revisiting the party paradox of finance capitalism: Social democratic preferences and corporate governance reforms in Switzerland, Sweden, and the Netherlands
G Schnyder
Comparative Political Studies 44 (2), 184-210, 2011
Transformations of self-regulation and new public regulations in the field of Swiss corporate governance (1985-2002)
A Mach, G Schnyder, T David, M Lupold
World Political Science 3 (2), 2007
Logics of action and models of capitalism: Explaining bottom‐up non‐liberal change
J Etienne, G Schnyder
Swiss Political Science Review 20 (3), 365-387, 2014
The Swiss business elite between 1980-2000: Declining cohesion, changing educational profile and growing internationalization
T David, S Ginalski, F Rebmann, G Schnyder
European economic elites: Between a new spirit of capitalism and the erosion …, 2009
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