Pattrick Calderoni
Pattrick Calderoni
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An overview of dual coolant Pb–17Li breeder first wall and blanket concept development for the US ITER-TBM design
CPC Wong, S Malang, M Sawan, M Dagher, S Smolentsev, B Merrill, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 81 (1-7), 461-467, 2006
First result of deuterium retention in neutron-irradiated tungsten exposed to high flux plasma in TPE
M Shimada, Y Hatano, P Calderoni, T Oda, Y Oya, M Sokolov, K Zhang, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 415 (1), S667-S671, 2011
Development path for Z-pinch IFE
C Olson, G Rochau, S Slutz, C Morrow, R Olson, M Cuneo, D Hanson, ...
Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), 633-640, 2005
The deuterium depth profile in neutron-irradiated tungsten exposed to plasma
M Shimada, G Cao, Y Hatano, T Oda, Y Oya, M Hara, P Calderoni
Physica Scripta 2011 (T145), 014051, 2011
Comparison of deuterium retention for ion-irradiated and neutron-irradiated tungsten
Y Oya, M Shimada, M Kobayashi, T Oda, M Hara, H Watanabe, Y Hatano, ...
Physica Scripta 2011 (T145), 014050, 2011
Overview of fusion blanket R&D in the US over the last decade
MA Abdou, NB Morley, AY Ying
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 37 (5), 401-422, 2005
Measurement of tritium permeation in flibe (2LiF–BeF2)
P Calderoni, P Sharpe, M Hara, Y Oya
Fusion Engineering and Design 83 (7-9), 1331-1334, 2008
Overview of the US–Japan collaborative investigation on hydrogen isotope retention in neutron-irradiated and ion-damaged tungsten
M Shimada, Y Hatano, Y Oya, T Oda, M Hara, G Cao, M Kobayashi, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 87 (7-8), 1166-1170, 2012
Retention behavior in tungsten and molybdenum exposed to high fluences of deuterium ions in TPE
JP Sharpe, RD Kolasinski, M Shimada, P Calderoni, RA Causey
Journal of nuclear materials 390, 709-712, 2009
Control of molten salt corrosion of fusion structural materials by metallic beryllium
P Calderoni, P Sharpe, H Nishimura, T Terai
Journal of Nuclear Materials 386, 1102-1106, 2009
Feasibility analysis of vacuum sieve tray for tritium extraction in the HCLL test blanket system
F Okino, P Calderoni, R Kasada, S Konishi
Fusion Engineering and Design 109, 1748-1753, 2016
Conceptual design of forced convection molten salt heat transfer testing loop
MS Sohal, P Sabharwall, P Calderoni, AK Wertsching, SB Grover
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2010
Finalization of the conceptual design of the auxiliary circuits for the European test blanket systems
A Aiello, BE Ghidersa, M Utili, L Vala, T Ilkei, G Di Gironimo, R Mozzillo, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 96, 56-63, 2015
Progresses and challenges in supporting activities toward a license to operate European TBM systems in ITER
Y Poitevin, I Ricapito, M Zmitko, F Tavassoli, N Thomas, G De Dinechin, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (7-8), 1113-1118, 2014
Current design of the European TBM systems and implications on DEMO breeding blanket
P Calderoni, A Aiello, B Ghidersa, Y Poitevin, J Pacheco
Fusion Engineering and Design 109, 1326-1330, 2016
Heat transfer salts for nuclear reactor systems-chemistry control, corrosion mitigation, and modeling
M Anderson, K Sridharan, D Morgan, P Peterson, P Calderoni, R Scheele, ...
Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (United States); Univ. of California …, 2015
Corrosion issues in molten salt reactor (MSR) systems
P Calderoni, C Cabet
Nuclear Corrosion Science and Engineering, 842-865, 2012
Solid breeder test blanket module design and analysis
A Ying, M Abdou, P Calderoni, S Sharafat, M Youssef, Z An, A Abou-Sena, ...
Fusion engineering and design 81 (1-7), 659-664, 2006
Technologies and modelling issues for tritium processing in the European Test Blanket Systems and perspectives for DEMO
I Ricapito, P Calderoni, Y Poitevin, A Aiello
Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (7-8), 1469-1475, 2014
Application of tritium imaging plate technique to examine tritium behaviors on the surface and in the bulk of plasma-exposed materials
T Otsuka, M Shimada, R Kolasinski, P Calderoni, JP Sharpe, Y Ueda, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 415 (1), S769-S772, 2011
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