Nicholas Lovrich
Nicholas Lovrich
Regents Professor Emeritus, Washington State University
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Social integration, individual perceptions of collective efficacy, and fear of crime in three cities
CL Gibson, J Zhao, NP Lovrich, MJ Gaffney
Justice quarterly 19 (3), 537-564, 2002
Dimensions of stress among university faculty: Factor-analytic results from a national study
WH Gmelch, PK Wilke, NP Lovrich
Research in higher education 24, 266-286, 1986
Access to health care and community social capital
MS Hendryx, MM Ahern, NP Lovrich, AH McCurdy
Health services research 37 (1), 85, 2002
Sources of stress in academe: A national perspective
WH Gmelch, NP Lovrich, PK Wilke
Research in higher education 20, 477-490, 1984
Linking confidence in the police with the performance of the police: Community policing can make a difference
L Ren, L Cao, N Lovrich, M Gaffney
Journal of criminal justice 33 (1), 55-66, 2005
Public perceptions of state police: An analysis of individual-level and contextual variables
ME Correia, MD Reisig, NP Lovrich
Journal of criminal justice 24 (1), 17-28, 1996
Predicting five dimensions of police officer stress: Looking more deeply into organizational settings for sources of police stress
JS Zhao, N He, N Lovrich
Police quarterly 5 (1), 43-62, 2002
Citizens, political communication, and interest groups: Environmental organizations in Canada and the United States
JC Pierce
(No Title), 1992
Culture, politics and mass publics: Traditional and modern supporters of the new environmental paradigm in Japan and the United States
JC Pierce, NP Lovrich Jr, T Tsurutani, T Abe
The Journal of Politics 49 (1), 54-79, 1987
Community-oriented policing across the US: Facilitators and impediment to implementation
J Zhao, QC Thurman, NP Lovrich
Am. J. Police 14, 11, 1995
The multiple sources of workplace stress among land-grant university faculty
E Smith, JL Anderson, NP Lovrich
Research in Higher Education 36, 261-282, 1995
Staff turnover in new generation jails: An investigation of its causes and prevention
MK Stohr, RL Self, NP Lovrich
Journal of Criminal Justice 20 (5), 455-478, 1992
Modeling the effects of organizational setting and individual coping style on employees subjective health, job satisfaction and commitment
A Mikkelsen, T Ogaard, N Lovrich
Public Administration Quarterly, 371-397, 2000
Community policing: is it changing the basic functions of policing?: Findings from a longitudinal study of 200+ municipal police agencies
J Zhao, NP Lovrich, TH Robinson
Journal of criminal justice 29 (5), 365-377, 2001
The status of community policing in American cities: Facilitators and impediments revisited
J Zhao, NP Lovrich, Q Thurman
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 22 (1 …, 1999
Community policing: Did it change the basic functions of policing in the 1990s? A national follow-up study
JS Zhao, N He, NP Lovrich
Justice Quarterly 20 (4), 697-724, 2003
Citizen Knowledge and Voting in Judicial Elections
NP Lovrich, JC Pierce, CH Sheldon
Judicature 73, 28, 1989
Staff management in correctional institutions: Comparing DiIulio's “control model” and “employee investment model” outcomes in five jails
MK Stohr, NP Lovrich Jr, BA Menke, LL Zupan
Justice Quarterly 11 (3), 471-497, 1994
The cannabis effect on crime: Time-series analysis of crime in Colorado and Washington State
R Lu, D Willits, MK Stohr, D Makin, J Snyder, N Lovrich, M Meize, ...
Justice Quarterly 38 (4), 565-595, 2021
Political culture, postmaterial values, and the new environmental paradigm: A comparative analysis of Canada and the United States
MAE Steger, JC Pierce, BS Steel, NP Lovrich
Political Behavior 11, 233-254, 1989
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