Planar laser induced fluorescence technique for measurements of concentration fields in continuous stirred tank reactors I Houcine, H Vivier, E Plasari, R David, J Villermaux Experiments in Fluids 22 (2), 95-102, 1996 | 137 | 1996 |
Experimental study of a multiple-effect humidification solar desalination technique MB Amara, I Houcine, A Guizani, M Mâalej Desalination 170 (3), 209-221, 2004 | 108 | 2004 |
Pilot plant testing of a new solar desalination process by a multiple-effect-humidification technique I Houcine, M BenAmara, A Guizani, M Maâlej Desalination 196 (1-3), 105-124, 2006 | 96 | 2006 |
Effects of the stirred tank's design on power consumption and mixing time in liquid phase I Houcine, E Plasari, R David Chemical Engineering & Technology: Industrial Chemistry‐Plant Equipment …, 2000 | 88 | 2000 |
Renewable energy sources for water desalting in Tunisia I Houcine, F Benjemaa, MH Chahbani, M Maalej Desalination 125 (1-3), 123-132, 1999 | 76 | 1999 |
Efficiency investigation of a new-design air solar plate collector used in a humidification–dehumidification desalination process M Ben-Amara, I Houcine, AA Guizani, M Maalej Renewable Energy 30 (9), 1309-1327, 2005 | 60 | 2005 |
Potential of renewable energy development for water desalination in Tunisia F Benjemaa, I Houcine, MH Chahbani Renewable energy 18 (3), 331-347, 1999 | 42 | 1999 |
Desalination in Tunisia: Past experience and future prospects F BenJemaa, I Houcine, MH Chahbani Desalination 116 (2-3), 123-133, 1998 | 36 | 1998 |
Theoretical and experimental study of a pad humidifier used in a seawater desalination process MB Amara, I Houcine, A Guizani Desalination 168, 1-12, 2004 | 30 | 2004 |
Influence of mixing characteristics on the quality and size of precipitated calcium oxalate in a pilot scale reactor I Houcine, E Plasari, R David, J Villermaux Chemical Engineering Research and Design 75 (2), 252-256, 1997 | 30 | 1997 |
Feedstream jet intermittency phenomenon in a continuous stirred tank reactor I Houcine, E Plasari, R David, J Villermaux Chemical Engineering Journal 72 (1), 19-29, 1999 | 27 | 1999 |
Comparison of mixing action of several stirrers by laser sheet visualization and image processing I Houcine, H Vivier, E Plasari, R David, J Villermaux INSTITUTION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS SYMPOSIUM SERIES 136, 97-97, 1994 | 24 | 1994 |
Comparison of indoor and outdoor experiments on a newly designed air solar plate collector used with the operating conditions of a solar desalination process MB Amara, I Houcine, A Guizani Desalination 168, 81-88, 2004 | 7 | 2004 |
Etude du comportement thermodynamique de l’air humide dans un procédé de dessalement d’eau par humidification–déshumidification de l’air MB Amara, I Houcine, A Guizani, M Mâalej TIC 101, 12, 2003 | 2 | 2003 |
Étude du mélange dans une cuve agitée de taille pilote par conductimétrie et visualisation par nappe laser couplée à un traitement d'images: application à la précipitation de l … I Houcine Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, 1995 | 1 | 1995 |
الصناعات والحرف الفنية بين التقليد والتحديث I HOUCINE …, 2024 | | 2024 |
Composition des eaux minérales tunisiennes : bien choisir son eau I HOUCINE …, 2024 | | 2024 |
Eff, ciency investigation of air solar plate collector used in humidifl c ation-dehumidif, c ation M Ben-Amara, I Houcine, AA Guizani, M Maalej | | |
Experimental study of a New-Design Air Solar Plate Collector used in relation with the operating conditions in a solar Desalination Process MB Amara, I Houcine, A Guizani, M Maalej | | |