Noor Lizza Mohamed Said
Noor Lizza Mohamed Said
Senior Lecturer, UKM
在 ukm.edu.my 的电子邮件经过验证
Istihalah and its effects on food: An Islamic perspective
M Kashim, MN Alias, DMM Zin, NLM Said, Z Zakaria, AD Salleh, ...
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 9 (1), 755-762, 2018
Hibah Dengan Syarat Balasan Menurut Pandangan Fuqaha Dan Kedudukannya Dalam Undang-Undang Sivil Jordan: Conditional Hibah in Favour According to The Opinions of Islamic Jurists …
NLM Said, MR Awang, AHM Nor
Jurnal Syariah 20 (3), 309-328, 2012
Reciting the al Quran in restoring the economy, self-esteem and religiosity among husband and wife
AHS Milad, MNM Zain, NLM Said, Z Ab Rahman
Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2358-2364, 2022
Analisis kes amalan hibah bersyarat di Malaysia
NS Othman, NLM Said, MZ Muda, NHN Muhamad
Islamiyyat 39 (2), 135-142, 2017
Qabd dan hukum penarikan balik hibah
NLBM Said, MRB Awang, AHBM Nor
Jurnal Muamalat 3, 157-184, 2010
Pelaksanaan hibah harta bercagar dalam industri perancangan dan pengurusan harta orang Islam
NLM Said, WAAW Ayub
International journal of islamic thought 19, 89-101, 2021
Pendekatan semasa institusi pengurusan wakaf dalam membangunkan semula tanah wakaf di Malaysia
S Romli, MNM Zain, MZ Muda, NLM Said
Journal of Law and Governance 2 (1), 66-79, 2019
Masalah dan Kaedah Penyelesaian Pewarisan Harta Pusaka Mualaf di Malaysia.
NI Baharudin, NLM Said
Islāmiyyāt: International Journal of Islamic Studies 39 (1), 2017
Analisis Fiqah terhadap Undang-undang Hibah dan Wasiat di Negara-negara Islam
NLM Said
Tesis Dr. Fal. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2014
Pengamanahan dalam perancangan dan pengurusan harta orang Islam
NLM Said, WAAW Ayub, MZ Muda, AM Yusoff, MIAM Kashim
Islamiyyat 41 (2), 71-79, 2019
Revocation of gift (hibah) according to Islamic law and its practice under Syria civil law 1949
NLM Said, MR Awang, AHM Nor, MZ Muda, AB Mohamad
International Business Management 7 (1), 1-7, 2013
Implikasi Marad Al-Mawt Ke Atas Akad Hibah
IOMAM Over, H Agreement
Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law 5 (2), 22-28, 2020
Inter Vivos Gift as Land Inheritance Mechanism for FELDA Land Holding
NH Nor Muhamad, MK Kamarudin, MZ Muda, NL Mohamed Said, ...
J. Pol. & L. 13, 226, 2020
Keperluan saksi dalam permohonan pengesahan kes hibah di mahkamah syariah
A Adli, NLM Said
Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law 3 (2), 20-27, 2018
Pembahagian harta sepencarian dalam poligami menurut undang-undang keluarga Islam
MY Ahmad, AM Husni, NLM Said
Isu Syariah & Undang-Undang, 92-106, 2014
Hibah of Collateral Property in Islamic Perspective and the Implementation in Malaysia
NLM Said, AM Yusoff, MY Ahmad, MZ Muda
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences …, 2023
Hibah Amanah Hartanah dan Kekangan Perundangan dalam Perancangan Harta Orang Islam di Malaysia (The Trust Hibah of Real Property and its Constraints in Property Planning of …
MZ Muda, N Rosdi, NLM Said
UMRAN-Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies 9 (3), 31-40, 2022
A Literature Review For The Implementation Of Trust Hibah For Real Property In Malaysia: Sorotan Literatur Pelaksanaan Hibah Amanah Hartanah Di Malaysia
MZ Muda, NN Rosdi, NLM Said
al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies 27 (1), 1-12, 2022
Economic Integration in Southern Africa through SADC's Revised Priorities (2015-2020) for Sustainable Development: A Mirage?
D Chigudu
J. Legal Ethical & Regul. Isses 24, 1, 2021
Analisis Perundangan dan Kes Hibah Amanah di Malaysia
MZ Muda, N Rosdi, NLM Said
International Journal of Islamic Thought 23, 79-90, 2023
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