Fatihiya Ally Masawe
Fatihiya Ally Masawe
Senior Lecturer
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Awareness and Practice of Gender Responsive Pedagogy in Higher Learning Institutions: The Case of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.
JS Kahamba, FA Massawe, ES Kira
Journal of Education, Humanities & Sciences (JEHS) 6 (2), 2017
Strategies to upgrade animal health delivery in village poultry systems: perspectives of stakeholders from northern Ghana and central zones in Tanzania
D Enahoro, A Galiè, Y Abukari, GH Chiwanga, TR Kelly, J Kahamba, ...
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8, 611357, 2021
The role of local institutions in the creation of an enabling environment for water project sustainability in Iringa District, Tanzania
JJ Chumbula, FA Massawe
Environmental & Socio-economic Studies 6 (4), 1-10, 2018
Contribution of Integrated Urban Agriculture to Household Income: A Case of Kinondoni Municipality, Tanzania.
K Victor, FA Massawe, A Sikira
Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Sri Lanka) 13 (3), 2018
Patterns of household cooking energy and associated factors: experience from Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania
FA Massawe, KMK Bengesi, AE Kweka
Intersect: The Stanford Journal of Science, Technology, and Society 8 (3), 2015
Household awareness and knowledge on improved cookstoves: A case of Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania
AM Fatihiya, MK Kenneth, EK Amini
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences 5 (1), 457-478, 2015
Sustainability of water projects: a case of selected projects in Iringa District, Tanzania
JJ Chumbula
Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2016
REDD realities: lessons learned from REDD+ pilot projects in Kondoa and Rugwe districts, Tanzania
GC Kajembe, DA Silayo, MM Kitula, N Lyatura, KJ Mutabaz, F Massawe, ...
CCIAM, 2012
Payments for ecosystem services incentives and adoption of land use interventions in Uluguru mountains, Tanzania
L Kagata, F Mombo, FA Massawe
Agricultural Sciences 9 (03), 299, 2018
Successes and challenges of improved biomass cooking stoves adoption along the product value chain in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania
FA Massawe
Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 2019
Consumers' perception on adoption of improved cookstoves: a case of Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania
FA Massawe, KMK Bengesi, AE Kweka
Journal of Continuing Education and Extension 5 (2), 722-736, 2014
Innovation value chain status of government co-operative supporting organisations in Tanzania
LS Njau, FA Massawe, CP Mahonge
The East African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (EAJSSH), 2019
Community Participation in Water Resource Projects Management in Iringa District Council, Tanzania.
FA Massawe, JJ Chumbula
Tengeru Community Development Journal, 2018
Household Social Economic Status and Adoption of Improved Cook Stoves: the Case of Kilimanjaro Region Tanzania
MKB Fatihiya, A. Massawe and Kenneth
The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 16 (2), 2-13, 2017
Gas extraction operations and livelihood diversification in Tanzania: Rhetoric and reality
BM Musoma, SS Nyanda, MI Muhanga, FA Massawe
Heliyon 9 (7), 2023
Gendered access to indirect benefits from natural gas extraction in Kilwa District, Tanzania
SE Mwakyambiki, AN Sikira, FA Massawe
International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020
Gendered analysis in academic career advancement: fifteen years’ trend at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
FA Massawe, AS Sife
Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science 33 (2), 1-8, 2020
The Relationship between Farmers’ Cognitive Flexibility and Adoption of the Improved Cassava Processing Technology
JM Joshua, FA Massawe, AA Mwakalapuka
International Journal of Asian Social Science 10 (11), 685-697, 2020
Factors Influencing Extractive Companies Benefit Sharing with Host Communities in Kilwa District, Tanzania
FA 7.2. Mwakiyambiki, S.E., Sikira, A.A and Massawe
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences 8 (5), 375-395, 2018
How gender affects adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Tanzania
JS Kahamba, FA Massawe, CN Nombo, JN Jeckoniah
MEASURE Evaluation, 2017
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