Antoine Rousselin
Antoine Rousselin
Bioinformaticien, Centre Francois Baclesse, Consortium Normand de Séquençage, Plateforme SéSAME
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Next-generation sequencing for the diagnosis of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer using genomic capture targeting multiple candidate genes
L Castéra, S Krieger, A Rousselin, A Legros, JJ Baumann, O Bruet, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 22 (11), 1305-1313, 2014
Screening BRCA1 and BRCA2 unclassified variants for splicing mutations using reverse transcription PCR on patient RNA and an ex vivo assay based on a splicing reporter minigene
C Bonnet, S Krieger, M Vezain, A Rousselin, I Tournier, A Martins, ...
Journal of medical genetics 45 (7), 438-446, 2008
Contribution of bioinformatics predictions and functional splicing assays to the interpretation of unclassified variants of the BRCA genes
JC Théry, S Krieger, P Gaildrat, F Révillion, MP Buisine, A Killian, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 19 (10), 1052-1058, 2011
Novel diagnostic tool for prediction of variant spliceogenicity derived from a set of 395 combined in silico/in vitro studies: an international collaborative effort
R Leman, P Gaildrat, G Le Gac, C Ka, Y Fichou, MP Audrezet, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (15), 7913-7923, 2018
Landscape of pathogenic variations in a panel of 34 genes and cancer risk estimation from 5131 HBOC families
L Castéra, V Harter, E Muller, S Krieger, N Goardon, A Ricou, A Rousselin, ...
Genetics in Medicine 20 (12), 1677-1686, 2018
Detecting splicing patterns in genes involved in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer
G Davy, A Rousselin, N Goardon, L Castéra, V Harter, A Legros, E Muller, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 25 (10), 1147-1154, 2017
The BRCA1 c. 5434C→ G (p. Pro1812Ala) variant induces a deleterious exon 23 skipping by affecting exonic splicing regulatory elements
P Gaildrat, S Krieger, JC Thery, A Killian, A Rousselin, P Berthet, ...
Journal of medical genetics 47 (6), 398-403, 2010
Genetic profiles of cervical tumors by high‐throughput sequencing for personalized medical care
E Muller, B Brault, A Holmes, A Legros, E Jeannot, M Campitelli, ...
Cancer medicine 4 (10), 1484-1493, 2015
OutLyzer: software for extracting low-allele-frequency tumor mutations from sequencing background noise in clinical practice
E Muller, N Goardon, B Brault, A Rousselin, G Paimparay, A Legros, ...
Oncotarget 7 (48), 79485, 2016
Patterns of care and the survival of elderly patients with high-risk endometrial cancer: A case-control study from the FRANCOGYN group
A Rousselin, S Bendifallah, KN Timoh, L Ouldamer, G Canlorbe, ...
European Journal of Surgical Oncology 43 (11), 2135-2142, 2017
SpliceLauncher: a tool for detection, annotation and relative quantification of alternative junctions from RNAseq data
R Leman, V Harter, A Atkinson, G Davy, A Rousselin, E Muller, L Castéra, ...
Bioinformatics 36 (5), 1634-1636, 2020
Ultrasound presentation of a disseminated fetal and neonatal rhabdoid tumor
Y Joueidi, A Rousselin, C Rozel, P Loget, D Ranchere Vince, S Odent, ...
Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2018 (1), 6073204, 2018
Pap smear before 25 years old
A Rousselin, L Dion, A Racin, V Lavoué, J Levêque
Gynecologie, Obstetrique, Fertilite & Senologie 45 (5), 309-315, 2017
La pratique du frottis cervico-vaginal avant 25 ans
A Rousselin, L Dion, A Racin, V Lavoué, J Levêque, KN Timoh
Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité & Sénologie 45 (5), 309-315, 2017
Hicks and Richardson on industrial change: analysis and policy
M Amendola, S Bruno, JL Gaffard
Innovation, Economic Growth and the Firm, 2010
Can new molecular profiles in epithelial ovarian cancer modify therapeutics?
V Lavoue, A Rousselin, S Delplanque, M Pinsard, S Henno, F Foucher, ...
Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 46 (2), 107-112, 2017
Novel diagnostic tool for prediction of variant spliceogenicity derived from a set of 395 combined in silico/in vitro studies: an international collaborative effort (vol 46, pg …
R Leman, P Gaildrat, G Le Gac, C Ka, Y Fichou, MP Audrezet, ...
Nucleic Acids Res. 48 (3), 1600-1602, 2020
Corrigendum: Novel diagnostic tool for prediction of variant spliceogenicity derived from a set of 395 combined in silico/in vitro studies: an international collaborative effort.
R Leman, P Gaildrat, GL Gac, C Ka, Y Fichou, MP Audrezet, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (21), 11656-11657, 2018
Erratum: Novel diagnostic tool for prediction of variant spliceogenicity derived from a set of 395 combined in silico/in vitro studies: An international collaborative effort …
R Leman, P Gaildrat, G Le Gac, C Ka, Y Fichou, MP Audrezet, ...
Novel diagnostic tool for prediction of variant spliceogenicity derived from a set of 395 combined in silico/in vitro studies: an international collaborative effort (vol 46, pg …
R Leman, P Gaildrat, GL Gac, C Ka, Y Fichou, MP Audrezet, ...
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 46 (21), 11656-11657, 2018
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