Xose H. Vazquez
Xose H. Vazquez
Professor of Management, Vice-President ACEDE, ECOBAS-UVigo
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When your contract manufacturer becomes your competitor
B Arruñada, XH Vázquez
Harvard business review 84 (9), 135, 2006
Solving the dynamic traveling salesman problem using a genetic algorithm with trajectory prediction: An application to fish aggregating devices
C Groba, A Sartal, XH Vázquez
Computers & Operations Research 56, 22-32, 2015
How much does Lean Manufacturing need environmental and information technologies?
A Sartal, J Llach, XH Vázquez, R de Castro
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45, 260-272, 2017
‘Tying the manager's hands’: constraining opportunistic managerial intervention
K Foss, NJ Foss, XH Vázquez
Cambridge Journal of Economics 30 (5), 797-818, 2006
Allocating decision rights on the shop floor: A perspective from transaction cost economics and organization theory
XH Vázquez
Organization Science 15 (4), 463-480, 2004
A methodology for the construction of dynamic capabilities in industrial networks: The role of border agents
P Cabanelas, JC Omil, XH Vázquez
Industrial Marketing Management 42 (6), 992-1003, 2013
Watch the working capital of tier-two suppliers: a financial perspective of supply chain collaboration in the automotive industry
XH Vazquez, A Sartal, LM Lozano-Lozano
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 21 (3), 321-333, 2016
How can firms’ basic research turn into product innovation? The role of absorptive capacity and industry appropriability
AI Martinez-Senra, MA Quintas, A Sartal, XH Vázquez
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 62 (2), 205-216, 2015
The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the US airline market: Are current business models equipped for upcoming changes in the air transport sector?
P Fontanet-Pérez, XH Vázquez, D Carou
Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (1), 647-656, 2022
Implementing information technologies and operational excellence: Planning, emergence and randomness in the survival of adaptive manufacturing systems
A Sartal, XH Vázquez
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45, 1-16, 2017
From efficiency‐driven to low‐carbon operations management: Implications for labor productivity
A Sartal, M Rodríguez, XH Vázquez
Journal of Operations Management 66 (3), 310-325, 2020
Improving employability through stakeholders in European higher education: the case of Spain
G Caballero, XH Vazquez, MA Quintas
Long Range Planning 48 (6), 398-411, 2015
Integrating forecasting in metaheuristic methods to solve dynamic routing problems: Evidence from the logistic processes of tuna vessels
C Groba, A Sartal, XH Vázquez
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 76, 55-66, 2018
Geographical amplitude in the international generation of technology: present situation and business determinants
MA Quintás, XH Vázquez, JM Garcia, G Caballero
Research policy 37 (8), 1371-1381, 2008
Estrategias de aprovisionamiento en el sector español del automóvil: situación actual y perspectivas.
JLA Mosquera, JFL Caride, XH Vázquez
UCJC Business and Society Review (formerly known as Universia Business Review), 2006
An eclectic explanation of shopfloor control using efficiency and power theories
XH Vázquez
Organization Studies 27 (10), 1421-1446, 2006
International generation of technology: An assessment of its intensity, motives and facilitators
MA Quintás, XH Vázquez, JM García, G Caballero
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 21 (6), 743-763, 2009
Why are firms challenging conventional wisdom on moral hazard? Revisiting the fair wage–effort hypothesis
P Arocena, M Villanueva, R Arévalo, XH Vázquez
Industrial and Corporate Change 20 (2), 433-455, 2011
Perspectivas de análisis institucional contemporáneo: enfoques, métodos y experimentos
GC Miguez, XH Vázquez
EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía 77 (02), 222-251, 2011
The impact of behavioural assumptions on management ability: A test based on the earnings of MBA graduates
B Arruñada, XH Vázquez
Management and Organization Review 9 (2), 209-232, 2013
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