Fernando López Ostenero
Fernando López Ostenero
Computer Science teacher, UNED
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MedIEQ–Quality labelling of medical web content using multilingual information extraction
L Bos
Medical and Care Compunetics 3 121, 183, 2006
Interactive cross-language document selection
DW Oard, J Gonzalo, M Sanderson, F López-Ostenero, J Wang
Information Retrieval 7, 205-228, 2004
FlickLing: a Multilingual Search Interface for Flickr.
V Peinado, J Artiles, J Gonzalo, E Barker, F López-Ostenero
CLEF (Working Notes), 2008
Noun phrases as building blocks for cross-language search assistance
F López-Ostenero, J Gonzalo, F Verdejo
Information processing & management 41 (3), 549-568, 2005
Búsqueda de informacion multilingue: estado del arte
FL Ostenero, J Gonzalo, F Verdejo
Inteligencia Artificial. Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 8 …, 2004
Are users willing to search cross-language? an experiment with the flickr image sharing repository
J Artiles, J Gonzalo, F López-Ostenero, V Peinado
Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 195-204, 2006
Noun phrase translations for cross-language document selection
F López-Ostenero, J Gonzalo, A Peñas, F Verdejo
Evaluation of Cross-Language Information Retrieval Systems: Second Workshop …, 2002
Interactive Cross-Language Searching: phrases are better than terms for query formulation and refinement
F López-Ostenero, J Gonzalo, A Penas, F Verdejo
Advances in Cross-Language Information Retrieval: Third Workshop of the …, 2003
Un sistema interactivo para la búsqueda de información en idiomas desconocidos por el usuario
FL Ostenero
Un sistema interactivo para la búsqueda de información en idiomas …, 2002
UNED at iCLEF 2003: Searching cross-language summaries
F López-Ostenero, J Gonzalo, F Verdejo
Comparative Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access Systems: 4th …, 2004
Log analysis of multilingual image searches in Flickr
V Peinado, J Gonzalo, J Artiles, F López-Ostenero
Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 236-242, 2008
UNED at ImageCLEF 2005: Automatically structured queries with named entities over metadata
V Peinado, F López-Ostenero, J Gonzalo, F Verdejo
Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 578-581, 2005
Deep-learning approach to educational text mining and application to the analysis of topics’ difficulty
L Araujo, F López-Ostenero, J Martínez-Romo, L Plaza
IEEE Access 8, 218002-218014, 2020
Evaluating Wordnets in Cross-language Information Retrieval: the ITEM Search Engine.
F Verdejo, J Gonzalo, A Penas, F López-Ostenero, D Fernández-Amorós
LREC, 2000
Extracción de relaciones semánticas entre nombre y verbos en EuroWordNet.
J Gonzalo, F Verdejo, I Chugur, F Ostenero, A Penas
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 23, 1998
Interactive question answering: Is Cross-Language harder than monolingual searching?
F López-Ostenero, V Peinado, J Gonzalo, F Verdejo
Information processing & management 44 (1), 66-81, 2008
Interactive cross-language question answering: Searching passages versus searching documents
F López-Ostenero, J Gonzalo, V Peinado, F Verdejo
Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images: 5th Workshop of …, 2005
Teoría de los lenguajes de programación
FL Ostenero, AMG Serrano
Editorial Universitaria Ramon Areces, 2014
UNED at iCLEF 2009: Analysis of Multilingual Image Search Sessions.
V Peinado, F López-Ostenero, J Gonzalo
CLEF (Working Notes), 2009
UNED at imageCLEF 2004: Detecting named entities and noun phrases for automatic query expansion and structuring
V Peinado, J Artiles, F López-Ostenero, J Gonzalo, F Verdejo
Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images: 5th Workshop of …, 2005
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