To parcel or not to parcel: Exploring the question, weighing the merits TD Little, WA Cunningham, G Shahar, KF Widaman Structural equation modeling 9 (2), 151-173, 2002 | 7597 | 2002 |
Longitudinal structural equation modeling TD Little Guilford Publications, 2024 | 4534 | 2024 |
Direct and indirect aggression during childhood and adolescence: A meta‐analytic review of gender differences, intercorrelations, and relations to maladjustment NA Card, BD Stucky, GM Sawalani, TD Little Child development 79 (5), 1185-1229, 2008 | 2717 | 2008 |
Mean and covariance structures (MACS) analyses of cross-cultural data: Practical and theoretical issues TD Little Multivariate behavioral research 32 (1), 53-76, 1997 | 1843 | 1997 |
Why the items versus parcels controversy needn’t be one. TD Little, M Rhemtulla, K Gibson, AM Schoemann Psychological methods 18 (3), 285, 2013 | 1666 | 2013 |
Disentangling the “whys” from the “whats” of aggressive behaviour TD Little, CC Henrich, SM Jones, PH Hawley International Journal of Behavioral Development 27 (2), 122-133, 2003 | 1347 | 2003 |
A large‐scale evaluation of the KiVa antibullying program: Grades 4–6 A Kärnä, M Voeten, TD Little, E Poskiparta, A Kaljonen, C Salmivalli Child development 82 (1), 311-330, 2011 | 981 | 2011 |
On the merits of orthogonalizing powered and product terms: Implications for modeling interactions among latent variables TD Little, JA Bovaird, KF Widaman Structural equation modeling 13 (4), 497-519, 2006 | 964 | 2006 |
Proactive and reactive aggression in childhood and adolescence: A meta-analysis of differential relations with psychosocial adjustment NA Card, TD Little International journal of behavioral development 30 (5), 466-480, 2006 | 962 | 2006 |
Autoregressive and cross-lagged panel analysis for longitudinal data. JP Selig, TD Little The Guilford Press, 2012 | 945 | 2012 |
Is age-related stability of subjective well-being a paradox? Cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence from the Berlin Aging Study. U Kunzmann, TD Little, J Smith Psychology and aging 15 (3), 511, 2000 | 940 | 2000 |
On selecting indicators for multivariate measurement and modeling with latent variables: When" good" indicators are bad and" bad" indicators are good. TD Little, U Lindenberger, JR Nesselroade Psychological methods 4 (2), 192, 1999 | 913 | 1999 |
The American dream in Russia: Extrinsic aspirations and well-being in two cultures RM Ryan, VI Chirkov, TD Little, KM Sheldon, E Timoshina, EL Deci Personality and social psychology bulletin 25 (12), 1509-1524, 1999 | 807 | 1999 |
The infant–toddler social and emotional assessment (ITSEA): Factor structure, reliability, and validity AS Carter, MJ Briggs-Gowan, SM Jones, TD Little Journal of abnormal child psychology 31 (5), 495-514, 2003 | 803 | 2003 |
On the joys of missing data TD Little, TD Jorgensen, KM Lang, EWG Moore Journal of pediatric psychology 39 (2), 151-162, 2014 | 799 | 2014 |
New developments in latent variable panel analyses of longitudinal data TD Little, KJ Preacher, JP Selig, NA Card International journal of behavioral development 31 (4), 357-365, 2007 | 799 | 2007 |
Structural equation modeling of mediation and moderation with contextual factors TD Little, NA Card, JA Bovaird, KJ Preacher, CS Crandall Modeling contextual effects in longitudinal studies 1, 207-230, 2007 | 777 | 2007 |
A non-arbitrary method of identifying and scaling latent variables in SEM and MACS models TD Little, DW Slegers, NA Card Structural equation modeling 13 (1), 59-72, 2006 | 671 | 2006 |
Relationships between self-determination and postschool outcomes for youth with disabilities KA Shogren, ML Wehmeyer, SB Palmer, GG Rifenbark, TD Little The Journal of Special Education 48 (4), 256-267, 2015 | 650 | 2015 |
Causal agency theory KA Shogren, ML Wehmeyer, SB Palmer Development of self-determination through the life-course, 55-67, 2017 | 629 | 2017 |