TRY plant trait database–enhanced coverage and open access J Kattge, G Bönisch, S Díaz, S Lavorel, IC Prentice, P Leadley, ... Global change biology 26 (1), 119-188, 2020 | 1327 | 2020 |
BAAD: A biomass and allometry database for woody plants. DS Falster, RA Duursma, MI Ishihara, DR Barneche, RG FitzJohn, ... Ecological Society of America, 2015 | 204 | 2015 |
Estimating individual tree leaf area in loblolly pine plantations using LiDAR-derived measurements of height and crown dimensions SD Roberts, TJ Dean, DL Evans, JW McCombs, RL Harrington, PA Glass Forest Ecology and Management 213 (1-3), 54-70, 2005 | 194 | 2005 |
Influence of fusing lidar and multispectral imagery on remotely sensed estimates of stand density and mean tree height in a managed loblolly pine plantation JW McCombs, SD Roberts, DL Evans Forest Science 49 (3), 457-466, 2003 | 188 | 2003 |
Linkages between silviculture and ecology: examination of several important conceptual models JN Long, TJ Dean, SD Roberts Forest ecology and management 200 (1-3), 249-261, 2004 | 178 | 2004 |
Harvest residue and competing vegetation affect soil moisture, soil temperature, N availability, and Douglas-fir seedling growth SD Roberts, CA Harrington, TA Terry Forest Ecology and Management 205 (1-3), 333-350, 2005 | 168 | 2005 |
Nonindustrial private forest owners and ecosystem management: can they work together? MW Brunson, DT Yarrow, SD Roberts, DCJ Guynn, MR Kuhns | 139 | 1996 |
Individual tree growth response to variable-density thinning in coastal Pacific Northwest forests SD Roberts, CA Harrington Forest Ecology and Management 255 (7), 2771-2781, 2008 | 118 | 2008 |
Self‐shading affects allometric scaling in trees RA Duursma, A Mäkelä, DEB Reid, EJ Jokela, AJ Porté, SD Roberts Functional Ecology 24 (4), 723-730, 2010 | 83 | 2010 |
Measuring heights to crown base and crown median with LiDAR in a mature, even-aged loblolly pine stand TJ Dean, QV Cao, SD Roberts, DL Evans Forest Ecology and Management 257 (1), 126-133, 2009 | 82 | 2009 |
Canopy stratification and leaf area efficiency: a conceptualization SD Roberts, JN Long, FW Smith Forest Ecology and Management 60 (1-2), 143-156, 1993 | 77 | 1993 |
Poultry litter application to loblolly pine forests: growth and nutrient containment AL Friend, SD Roberts, SH Schoenholtz, JA Mobley, PD Gerard Journal of Environmental Quality 35 (3), 837-848, 2006 | 74 | 2006 |
LiDAR A new tool for forest measurements? DL Evans, SD Roberts, RC Parker The Forestry Chronicle 82 (2), 211-218, 2006 | 72 | 2006 |
An evaluation of the uniform stress hypothesis based on stem geometry in selected North American conifers TJ Dean, S Roberts, D Gilmore, DA Maguire, JN Long, KL O'hara, ... Trees 16, 559-568, 2002 | 70 | 2002 |
Response of advance reproduction of oaks and associated species to repeated prescribed fires in upland oak-hickory forests, Missouri Z Fan, Z Ma, DC Dey, SD Roberts Forest Ecology and Management 266, 160-169, 2012 | 69 | 2012 |
Production efficiency of Abies lasiocarpa: influence of vertical distribution of leaf area SD Roberts, JN Long Canadian Journal of Forest Research 22 (9), 1230-1234, 1992 | 50 | 1992 |
Landowners' educational needs and how foresters can respond MR Kuhns, MW Brunson, SD Roberts Journal of Forestry 96 (8), 38-43, 1998 | 46 | 1998 |
Tree and understory responses to variable-density thinning in western Washington CA Harrington, SD Roberts, LC Brodie UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE GENERAL TECHNICAL …, 2005 | 44 | 2005 |
Midcanopy growth following thinning in young-growth conifer forests on the Olympic Peninsula western Washington EJ Comfort, SD Roberts, CA Harrington Forest Ecology and Management 259 (8), 1606-1614, 2010 | 37 | 2010 |
Detection of regularly spaced targets in small-footprint LIDAR data: research issues for consideration DL Evans, SD Roberts, JW McCombs, RL Harrington Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 67 (10), 1133-1136, 2001 | 34 | 2001 |