Bumsoo Kim
Bumsoo Kim
Assistant Professor, Department of Media and Communication, Pusan National University, Republic of
在 pusan.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
College students’ social media use and communication network heterogeneity: Implications for social capital and subjective well-being
B Kim, Y Kim
Computers in Human Behavior 73, 620-628, 2017
Facebook versus Instagram: How perceived gratifications and technological attributes are related to the change in social media usage
B Kim, Y Kim
The social science journal 56 (2), 156-167, 2019
Effects of social grooming on incivility in COVID-19
B Kim
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 23 (8), 519-525, 2020
Growing as social beings: How social media use for college sports is associated with college students’ group identity and collective self-esteem
B Kim, Y Kim
Computers in Human Behavior 97, 241-249, 2019
Social media and life satisfaction among college students: A moderated mediation model of SNS communication network heterogeneity and social self-efficacy on satisfaction with …
Y Kim, B Kim, HS Hwang, D Lee
The Social science journal 57 (1), 85-100, 2020
Perceived exposure to and avoidance of hate speech in various communication settings
M Barnidge, B Kim, LA Sherrill, Ž Luknar, J Zhang
Telematics and informatics 44, 101263, 2019
Mobile communication research in communication journals from 1999 to 2014
Y Kim, B Kim, Y Kim, Y Wang
New Media & Society 19 (10), 1668-1691, 2017
The effects of virtual reality news on learning about climate change
M Barnidge, LA Sherrill, B Kim, E Cooks, D Deavours, M Viehouser, ...
Mass Communication and Society 25 (1), 1-24, 2022
The communicative processes of attempted political persuasion in social media environments: The mediating roles of cognitive elaboration and political orientations
B Kim, M Barnidge, Y Kim
Information Technology & People 33 (2), 813-828, 2020
The relationship between Fox News use and Americans’ policy preferences regarding refugees and immigrants
J Hoewe, C Peacock, B Kim, M Barnidge
International Journal of Communication 14, 21, 2020
Effects of young adults' smartphone use for social media on communication network heterogeneity, social capital and civic engagement
Y Kim, B Kim
Online information review 46 (3), 616-638, 2022
Developing contemporary factors of political participation
B Kim, J Hoewe
The Social Science Journal 60 (4), 862-876, 2023
Exploring incivility and moral foundations toward Asians in English-speaking tweets in hate crime-reporting cities during the COVID-19 pandemic
B Kim, E Cooks, SK Kim
Internet Research 32 (1), 362-378, 2022
Testing political knowledge as a mediator of the relationship between news use and affective polarization
B Kim, R Broussard, M Barnidge
The Social Science Journal 60 (4), 731-743, 2023
Networks and selective avoidance: How social media networks influence unfriending and other avoidance behaviors
M Barnidge, C Peacock, B Kim, Y Kim, MA Xenos
Social Science Computer Review 41 (3), 1017-1038, 2023
What does# freedom look like? Instagram and the visual imagination of values
T Trillò, R Scharlach, B Hallinan, B Kim, S Mizoroki, P Frosh, L Shifman
Journal of Communication 71 (6), 875-897, 2021
The value (s) of social media rituals: A cross-cultural analysis of New Year’s resolutions
B Hallinan, B Kim, S Mizoroki, R Scharlach, T Trillò, M Thelwall, E Segev, ...
Information, Communication & Society 26 (4), 764-785, 2023
Mapping the transnational imaginary of social media genres
B Hallinan, B Kim, R Scharlach, T Trillò, S Mizoroki, L Shifman
new media & society 25 (3), 559-583, 2023
Unfriending effects: Testing contrasting indirect-effects relationships between exposure to hate speech on political talk via social media unfriending
B Kim, Y Wang, J Lee, Y Kim
Computers in Human Behavior 137, 107414, 2022
Thinking, checking and learning: testing a moderated-mediation model of social media news use conditional upon elaboration on political knowledge via fact-checking
B Kim, E Cooks, Y Kim
Online Information Review 46 (5), 920-936, 2022
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