Ahmad Pirouzmand
Ahmad Pirouzmand
在 shirazu.ac.ir 的电子邮件经过验证
Estimation of relative power distribution and power peaking factor in a VVER-1000 reactor core using artificial neural networks
A Pirouzmand, MK Dehdashti
Progress in Nuclear Energy 85, 17-27, 2015
Dose assessment of radionuclides dispersion from Bushehr nuclear power plant stack under normal operation and accident conditions
A Pirouzmand, P Dehghani, K Hadad, M Nematollahi
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (44), 15198-15205, 2015
Application of cellular neural network (CNN) method to the nuclear reactor dynamics equations
K Hadad, A Piroozmand
Annals of Nuclear Energy 34 (5), 406-416, 2007
Atmospheric dispersion assessment of radioactive materials during severe accident conditions for Bushehr nuclear power plant using HYSPLIT code
A Pirouzmand, Z Kowsar, P Dehghani
Progress in Nuclear Energy 108, 169-178, 2018
Safety analysis of LBLOCA in BDBA scenarios for the Bushehr's VVER-1000 nuclear power plant
A Pirouzmand, A Ghasemi, F Faghihi
Progress in Nuclear Energy 88, 231-239, 2016
Re-assessment of station blackout accident in VVER-1000 NPP with additional measures following Fukushima accident using Relap/Mod3. 2
M Jabbari, K Hadad, A Pirouzmand
Annals of Nuclear Energy 129, 316-330, 2019
Thermal-hydraulic modeling for deterministic safety analysis of portable equipment application in the VVER-1000 nuclear reactor during loss of ultimate heat sink accident using …
Z Tabadar, GR Ansarifar, A Pirouzmand
Annals of Nuclear Energy 127, 53-67, 2019
Probabilistic safety assessment of portable equipment applied in VVER-1000/V446 nuclear reactor during loss of ultimate heat sink accident for stress test program development
Z Tabadar, GR Ansarifar, A Pirouzmand
Progress in nuclear energy 117, 103101, 2019
Analysis of loss of cooling and loss of coolant severe accident scenarios in VVER-1000/V446 spent fuel pool
P Omidifard, A Pirouzmand, K Hadad, S Şahin
Annals of Nuclear Energy 138, 107205, 2020
Quantitative accuracy analysis of burnup calculations for BNPP fuel assemblies using FFTBM method
K Hadad, N Ayobian, A Piroozmand
Progress in Nuclear Energy 51 (1), 170-176, 2009
The safety improvement of VVER-1000 NPP against SBO accident using portable air-cooled diesel generator
M Jabbari, K Hadad, A Pirouzmand
Annals of Nuclear Energy 139, 107225, 2020
Cellular neural networks (CNN) simulation for the TN approximation of the time dependent neutron transport equation in slab geometry
K Hadad, A Pirouzmand, N Ayoobian
Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (12), 2313-2320, 2008
Calculation of radial burnup and nuclides atom density distributions in a VVER-1000 fuel rod using Monte Carlo method
A Pirouzmand, F Roosta
Progress in Nuclear Energy 88, 321-331, 2016
PARCS code multi-group neutron diffusion constants generation using Monte Carlo method
A Pirouzmand, F Mohammadhasani
Progress in Nuclear Energy 86, 71-79, 2016
Developing a method for time-variant reliability assessment of passive heat removal systems in nuclear power plants
M Ebrahimian, A Pirouzmand, A Rabiee
Annals of Nuclear Energy 160, 108365, 2021
Multi-state unavailability analysis of safety system redundant components with aging effect under surveillance testing
F Mohammadhasani, A Pirouzmand
Progress in Nuclear Energy 126, 103415, 2020
Multi-group neutron cross sections and scattering matrix calculations via Monte Carlo method
A Pırouzmand, F Mohammadhasanı
Politeknik Dergisi 18 (4), 235-240, 2015
Investigation of core meltdown phenomena and radioactive materials release in VVER‐1000/V446 nuclear reactor at severe accident condition due to LBLOCA along SBO
A Ghasemi, A Pirouzmand, S Kamyab
International Journal of Energy Research 44 (10), 8113-8124, 2020
Cellular neural network to the spherical harmonics approximation of neutron transport equation in x–y geometry. Part I: Modeling and verification for time-independent solution
A Pirouzmand, K Hadad
Annals of Nuclear Energy 38 (6), 1288-1299, 2011
Development of a dynamic event tree (DET) to analyze SBO accident in VVER-1000/V446 nuclear reactor
ME Amirsoltani, A Pirouzmand, MR Nematollahi
Annals of Nuclear Energy 165, 108786, 2022
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