Thierry Pelaccia
Thierry Pelaccia
Centre for Training and Research in Health Sciences Education - University of Strasbourg
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An analysis of clinical reasoning through a recent and comprehensive approach: the dual-process theory
T Pelaccia, J Tardif, E Triby, B Charlin
Medical education online 16 (1), 5890, 2011
Motivation in medical education
T Pelaccia, R Viau
Medical teacher 39 (2), 136-140, 2017
How and when do expert emergency physicians generate and evaluate diagnostic hypotheses? A qualitative study using head-mounted video cued-recall interviews
T Pelaccia, J Tardif, E Triby, C Ammirati, C Bertrand, V Dory, B Charlin
Annals of Emergency Medicine 64 (6), 575-585, 2014
Comment mieux former et évaluer les étudiants en médecine et en sciences de la santé?
T Pelaccia
De Boeck Supérieur, 2023
La motivation en formation: une dimension réhabilitée dans un environnement d’apprentissage en mutation
T Pelaccia, H Delplancq, E Triby, C Leman, JC Bartier, JP Dupeyron
Pédagogie médicale 9 (2), 103-121, 2008
Comment les médecins raisonnent-ils pour poser des diagnostics et prendre des décisions thérapeutiques? Les enjeux en médecine d’urgence
T Pelaccia, J Tardif, E Triby, C Ammirati, C Betrand, B Charlin
Annales françaises de médecine d'urgence 1 (1), 77-84, 2011
Impact of training periods in the emergency department on the motivation of health care students to learn
T Pelaccia, H Delplancq, E Triby, JC Bartier, C Leman, JP Dupeyron
Medical Education 43 (5), 462-469, 2009
La simulation en santé: principes, outils, impacts et implications pour la formation des enseignants
M Jaffrelot, T Pelaccia
Recherche & formation, 17-30, 2016
Deconstructing the diagnostic reasoning of human versus artificial intelligence
T Pelaccia, G Forestier, C Wemmert
CMAJ 191 (48), E1332-E1335, 2019
Les approches qualitatives: une invitation à l’innovation et à la découverte dans le champ de la recherche en pédagogie des sciences de la santé
T Pelaccia, P Paillé
Pédagogie médicale 10 (4), 293-304, 2009
From context comes expertise: how do expert emergency physicians use their know-who to make decisions?
T Pelaccia, J Tardif, E Triby, C Ammirati, C Bertrand, V Dory, B Charlin
Annals of Emergency Medicine 67 (6), 747-751, 2016
Can teaching methods based on pattern recognition skill development optimise triage in mass-casualty incidents?
T Pelaccia, H Delplancq, E Triby, JC Bartier, C Leman, H Hadef, N Meyer, ...
Emergency Medicine Journal 26 (12), 899-902, 2009
Misdiagnosis and failure to diagnose in emergency care: causes and empathy as a solution
T Pelaccia, AM Messman, JA Kline
Patient Education and Counseling 103 (8), 1650-1656, 2020
Ethical criteria for the admission and management of patients in the ICU under conditions of limited medical resources: a shared international proposal in view of the COVID-19 …
V Tambone, D Boudreau, M Ciccozzi, K Sanders, LL Campanozzi, ...
Frontiers in public health 8, 284, 2020
How do general practice residents use social networking sites in asynchronous distance learning?
H Maisonneuve, J Chambe, M Lorenzo, T Pelaccia
BMC medical education 15, 1-8, 2015
A scoping review of physicians’ clinical reasoning in emergency departments
T Pelaccia, LH Plotnick, MC Audétat, M Nendaz, S Lubarsky, N Torabi, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 75 (2), 206-217, 2020
La recherche qualitative en pédagogie médicale: histoire, pratique et légitimité
T Pelaccia, P Paillé
Pédagogie médicale 12 (3), 179-192, 2011
Insights into emergency physicians’ minds in the seconds before and into a patient encounter
T Pelaccia, J Tardif, E Triby, C Ammirati, C Bertrand, B Charlin, V Dory
Internal and emergency Medicine 10, 865-873, 2015
A Novel Approach to Study Medical Decision Making in the Clinical Setting: The “Own‐point‐of‐view” Perspective
T Pelaccia, J Tardif, E Triby, B Charlin
Academic Emergency Medicine 24 (7), 785-795, 2017
Gender stereotypes: an explanation to the underrepresentation of women in emergency medicine
T Pelaccia, H Delplanq, E Triby, JC Bartier, C Leman, H Hadef, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 17 (7), 775-779, 2010
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