Adam Masłoń
Adam Masłoń
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A study on the use of the BioBall® as a biofilm carrier in a sequencing batch reactor
A Masłoń, JA Tomaszek
Bioresource technology 196, 577-585, 2015
The enhancement of energy efficiency in a wastewater treatment plant through sustainable biogas use: Case study from Poland
A Masłoń, J Czarnota, A Szaja, J Szulżyk-Cieplak, G Łagód
Energies 13 (22), 6056, 2020
Reactive materials in the removal of phosphorus compounds from wastewater—A review
S Gubernat, A Masłoń, J Czarnota, P Koszelnik
Materials 13 (15), 3377, 2020
The use of wood biomass ash in sewage sludge treatment in terms of its agricultural utilization
M Wójcik, F Stachowicz, A Masłoń
Waste and biomass valorization 11, 753-768, 2020
Analysis of energy consumption at the Rzeszów Wastewater Treatment Plant
A Masłoń
E3S Web of Conferences 22, 00115, 2017
Powdered keramsite as unconventional method of AGS technology support in GSBR reactor with minimum-optimum OLR
J Czarnota, A Masłoń, M Zdeb
E3S Web of Conferences 44, 00024, 2018
Simultaneous stripping of ammonia from leachate: Experimental insights and key microbial players
Ł Jurczyk, J Koc-Jurczyk, A Masłoń
Water 12 (9), 2494, 2020
The impact of powdered keramsite on activated sludge and wastewater treatment in a sequencing batch reactor
A Masłoń, JA Tomaszek, J Zamorska, M Zdeb, A Piech, I Opaliński, ...
Journal of environmental management 237, 305-312, 2019
The possibility of sewage sludge conditioning and dewatering with the use of biomass ashes
M Wójcik, F Stachowicz, A Masłoń
Inżynieria i Ochrona Środowiska 20, 2017
An analysis of sewage sludge and biogas production at the Zamość WWTP
A Masłoń
Proceedings of CEE 2019: Advances in Resource-saving Technologies and …, 2020
The Use of Waste to Produce Liquid Fertilizers in Terms of Sustainable Development and Energy Consumption in the Fertilizer Industry—A Case Study from Poland
R Pajura, A Masłoń, J Czarnota
Energies 16 (4), 1747, 2023
The impact of different powdered mineral materials on selected properties of aerobic granular sludge
J Czarnota, A Masłoń, M Zdeb, G Łagód
Molecules 25 (2), 386, 2020
Biogranulation and physical properties of aerobic granules in reactors at low organic loading rate and with powdered ceramsite added
J Czarnota, A Masłoń
Journal of Ecological Engineering 20 (9), 202-210, 2019
Możliwość wykorzystania popiołów lotnych w celu poprawy odwadniania osadów ściekowych
M Wójcik, F Stachowicz, A Masłoń
Czasopismo Inżynierii Lądowej, Środowiska i Architektury 64 (1), 377-393, 2017
The application of biomass ashes for improvement of sewage sludge dewatering
M Wójcik, F Stachowicz, A Masłoń
E3S Web of Conferences 17, 00100, 2017
Powdered ceramsite and powdered limestone use in aerobic granular sludge technology
J Czarnota, JA Tomaszek, A Masłoń, A Piech, G Łagód
Materials 13 (17), 3894, 2020
Agricultural utilisation of municipal sludge in willow plantation
F Stachowicz, T Trzepiecińsk, M Wójcik, A Masłoń, W Niemiec, A Piech
E3S Web of Conferences 10, 00088, 2016
Wpływ materiałów pylistych na poprawę właściwości sedymentacyjnych osadu czynnego
A Masłoń
Instal, 51--55, 2015
Kierunki zastosowania mineralnych materiałów pylistych w technologii osadu czynnego-studium literatury
A Masłoń, JA Tomaszek
Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Inżynieria Środowiska, 5--23, 2012
Anaerobic ammonium nitrogen oxidation in DEAMOX process
A Masłoń, JA Tomaszek
Environment Protection Engineering 35 (2), 123-130, 2009
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