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Effect of temperature and time on mechanical and electrical properties of HDPE/glass fiber composites
U Alkan, Y Özcanlı, V Alekberov
Fibers and Polymers 14, 115-120, 2013
Polypropylene/basalt thick film composites: structural, mechanical and dielectric properties
Ü Alkan, Y Karabul, AE Bulgurcuoğlu, M Kılıç, ZG Özdemir, O İçelli
e-Polymers 17 (5), 417-425, 2017
Influence of time and room temperature on mechanical and thermal degradation of poly (lactic) acid
M Karamanlıoğlu, Ü Alkan
Thermal Science, 2019
Gamma-ray irradiation effect on mechanical and dielectric properties of volcanic basalt mineral reinforced low density polyethylene films
M Kılıç, Y Karabul, Ü Alkan, Ö Yağcı, M Okutan, M Okutan, O Icelli
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 2017
Electrical and mechanical properties of LDPE/PANI composites
Ü Alkan, M Kılıç, Y Karabul, HB Yamak, M Okutan, O İçelli
Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 11 (3), 343-348, 2016
X‐ray irradiated LDPE/PP blends with high mechanical and dielectric performance
Ü Alkan, M Kılıç, Y Karabul, M Çağlar, O İçelli, Z Güven Özdemir
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 135 (31), 46571, 2018
Influence of degradation of PLA with high degree of crystallinity on fungal community structure in compost
M Karamanlioglu, Ü Alkan
Compost Science & Utilization 28 (3-4), 169-178, 2020
Artificial Neural Networks Study on Prediction of Dielectric Permittivity of Basalt/PANI Composites
O Eyecioglu, Y Karabul, U Alkan, M Kilic, O Icelli
International Journal of Engineering Technologies IJET 2 (2), 42-48, 2016
Structure and Impedance Properties of Some Basalt Materials Under Magnetic Field
M Çınar, M Kılıç, Y Karabul, NY Canli, Ü Alkan, M Okutan, O Içelli
Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 11 (4), 477-483, 2016
Ana metal sektöründe iş sağlığı ve güvenliğine ilişkin değerlendirmeler ve çözüm önerileri
E Erin, GC Akın, Ü Alkan
Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 6 (1), 749-775, 2023
Estimation of dielectric parameters of LDPE/PANI composite films depending on temperature and PANI additive concentration by GRNN
M Kilic, O Eyecioglu, Z Ozdemir, U Alkan
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 35 (2), 2020
Zeytin fidan gelişimine mikrohavza su hasadı tekniği ile toprak su tutma kapasitesini artırıcı bazı uygulamaların etkisi
S Şen, G Yılmaz, T Topdemir, Ü Alkan
Toprak Su Dergisi, 122-129, 2019
Effects of the γ‐irradiation strength and basalt additive content on the mechanical performance and dielectric response of polypropylene films
M Kılıç, ZG Özdemir, Ü Alkan, Y Karabul, O İçelli
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 136 (18), 47414, 2019
The effects of PANI concentration on the mechanical properties of PP/PANI composites
M Kılıç, Ü Alkan, Y Karabul, HB Yamak, O İçelli
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 18 (2), 426-433, 2018
Polimer kompozitlerin mekanik ve elektrik özelliklerinin kararlı hale getirici ve yıpratıcı faktörlerin etkisi altında incelenmesi
Ü Alkan
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi (Basılmış), 2011
Mechanical and dielectric behavior of LDPE/Bi-1212 films
ZG Özdemir, Ü Alkan, M Kılıç, Y Karabul
Materials Testing 62 (9), 913-920, 2020
DYPE/PANI kompozit filmlerin sıcaklığa ve PANI katkı konsantrasyonuna bağlı olarak dielektrik parametrelerinin GRSA ile tahmini
M Kılıç, Ö Eyecioğlu, ZG Özdemir, Ü Alkan
Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 35 (2), 1077-1088, 2020
Bulk MgxB2 superconductor production by excess Mg and hot press methods and their properties
E Yanmaz, C Castillo-Berrio, Ü Alkan, AT Ülgen, F Karaboğa, O Enis, ...
Journal of Boron 2 (1), 43-48, 2017
Çapraz bağlı alçak yoğunluklu polietilen malzemelerinde dinamik-mekanik ve elektrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi
Ü Alkan
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2004
Assessments related to occupational health and safety in the basic metal sector and solution proposals.
E Erin, GC Akin, Ü Alkan
文章 1–20