Genny A. Pang
Genny A. Pang
University of the Bundeswehr Munich
在 unibw.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Experimental study and modeling of shock tube ignition delay times for hydrogen–oxygen–argon mixtures at low temperatures
GA Pang, DF Davidson, RK Hanson
Proceedings of the combustion institute 32 (1), 181-188, 2009
The use of driver inserts to reduce non-ideal pressure variations behind reflected shock waves
Z Hong, GA Pang, SS Vasu, DF Davidson, RK Hanson
Shock Waves 19, 113-123, 2009
Three‐dimensional optoacoustic monitoring of lesion formation in real time during radiofrequency catheter ablation
GA Pang, E Bay, XL DEÁN‐BEN, D Razansky
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 26 (3), 339-345, 2015
High-Temperature Measurements of the Rate Constants for Reactions of OH with a Series of Large Normal Alkanes: n-Pentane, n-Heptane, and n-Nonane
GA Pang, RK Hanson, DM Golden, CT Bowman
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 225 (11-12), 1157-1178, 2011
Constrained reaction volume approach for studying chemical kinetics behind reflected shock waves
RK Hanson, GA Pang, S Chakraborty, W Ren, S Wang, DF Davidson
Combustion and flame 160 (9), 1550-1558, 2013
Non-contact optoacoustic imaging with focused air-coupled transducers
XL Deán-Ben, GA Pang, F Montero de Espinosa, D Razansky
Applied Physics Letters 107 (5), 2015
Photoacoustic signal generation in gold nanospheres in aqueous solution: signal generation enhancement and particle diameter effects
GA Pang, J Laufer, R Niessner, C Haisch
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (48), 27646-27656, 2016
Rate constant measurements for the overall reaction of OH+ 1-butanol→ products from 900 to 1200 K
GA Pang, RK Hanson, DM Golden, CT Bowman
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (10), 2475-2483, 2012
Shock tube measurements of the rate constant for the reaction ethanol+ OH
I Stranic, GA Pang, RK Hanson, DM Golden, CT Bowman
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (5), 822-828, 2014
High-Temperature Rate Constant Determination for the Reaction of OH with iso-Butanol
GA Pang, RK Hanson, DM Golden, CT Bowman
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (19), 4720-4725, 2012
Theoretical and experimental study of photoacoustic excitation of silica-coated gold nanospheres in water
GA Pang, F Poisson, J Laufer, C Haisch, E Bossy
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (1), 1088-1098, 2019
Kinetic and mechanistic investigation of the photocatalyzed surface reduction of 4-nitrothiophenol observed on a silver plasmonic film via surface-enhanced Raman scattering
L Qiu, GA Pang, G Zheng, D Bauer, K Wieland, C Haisch
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (18), 21133-21142, 2020
Shock Tube Measurements of the tert-Butanol + OH Reaction Rate and the tert-C4H8OH Radical β-Scission Branching Ratio Using Isotopic Labeling
I Stranic, GA Pang, RK Hanson, DM Golden, CT Bowman
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (23), 4777-4784, 2013
Real‐time monitoring of incision profile during laser surgery using shock wave detection
E Bay, XL Deán‐Ben, GA Pang, A Douplik, D Razansky
Journal of biophotonics 8 (1-2), 102-111, 2015
Exploiting nonlinear photoacoustic signal generation in gold nanospheres for selective detection in serial 3D PA tomography
S Schrof, GA Pang, J Buchmann, J Laufer
Journal of Imaging 4 (12), 146, 2018
Experimental Determination of the High-Temperature Rate Constant for the Reaction of OH with sec-Butanol
GA Pang, RK Hanson, DM Golden, CT Bowman
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (39), 9607-9613, 2012
HELIOS/SICRIT/mass spectrometry for analysis of aerosols in engine exhaust
KM Thaler, L Gilardi, M Weber, A Vohburger, Z Toumasatos, A Kontses, ...
Aerosol Science and Technology 55 (8), 886-900, 2021
Optimization of synthetic oxygenated fuels for diesel engines
CT Bowman, DM Golden, RK Hanson, H Pitsch, PDF Davidson, A Bardos, ...
GCEP Technical Report, 2006
Experimental determination of rate constants for reactions of the hydroxyl radical with alkanes and alcohols
GA Pang
Stanford University, 2012
Quenching of nonlinear photoacoustic signal generation in gold nanoparticles through coating
GA Pang, C Haisch, J Laufer
Nanoscale Advances 2 (7), 2699-2704, 2020
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