Aleksandr Smirnov
Aleksandr Smirnov
Postdoc at Department of Bionformatics and Genomics, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
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Integrative analysis of multimodal mass spectrometry data in MZmine 3
R Schmid, S Heuckeroth, A Korf, A Smirnov, O Myers, TS Dyrlund, ...
Nature biotechnology 41 (4), 447-449, 2023
Auto-deconvolution and molecular networking of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry data
AA Aksenov, I Laponogov, Z Zhang, SLF Doran, I Belluomo, D Veselkov, ...
Nature biotechnology 39 (2), 169-173, 2021
Metabolomics data preprocessing using ADAP and MZmine 2
X Du, A Smirnov, T Pluskal, W Jia, S Sumner
Computational Methods and Data Analysis for Metabolomics, 25-48, 2020
ADAP-GC 4.0: application of clustering-assisted multivariate curve resolution to spectral deconvolution of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry metabolomics data
A Smirnov, Y Qiu, W Jia, DI Walker, DP Jones, X Du
Analytical chemistry 91 (14), 9069-9077, 2019
ADAP-GC 3.2: graphical software tool for efficient spectral deconvolution of gas chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry metabolomics data
A Smirnov, W Jia, DI Walker, DP Jones, X Du
Journal of proteome research 17 (1), 470-478, 2018
Metabolomics data analysis using MZmine
T Pluskal, A Korf, A Smirnov, R Schmid, TR Fallon, X Du, JK Weng
The Prandtl integrodifferential equation and the contact problem for a piecewise homogeneous plate
VV Sil’vestrov, AV Smirnov
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 74 (6), 679-691, 2010
ADAP-KDB: a spectral knowledgebase for tracking and prioritizing unknown GC–MS spectra in the NIH’s metabolomics data repository
A Smirnov, Y Liao, E Fahy, S Subramaniam, X Du
Analytical Chemistry 93 (36), 12213-12220, 2021
Subsonic propagation of a crack parallel to the boundary of a half-plane
YA Antipov, AV Smirnov
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 18 (2), 153-167, 2013
Fundamental solution and the weight functions of the transient problem on a semi‐infinite crack propagating in a half‐plane
YA Antipov, AV Smirnov
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2016
A preparatory study of how to construct consensus mass spectra of recurrent unknown metabolites from untargeted GC–MS metabolomics data
X Du, A Smirnov, W Jia
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 427, 73-78, 2018
Memory-Efficient Searching of Gas-Chromatography Mass Spectra Accelerated by Prescreening
A Smirnov, Y Liao, X Du
Metabolites 12 (6), 491, 2022
Riemann-Hilbert Formalism in the Study of Crack Propagation in Domains with a Boundary
A Smirnov
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2016
Elastic stresses in a plane with a thin piecewise-homogeneous inclusion
VV Silvestrov, AV Smirnov
Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical …, 2011
Пара упругих кольцевых пластин, соединенных вдоль граничных окружностей
ВВ Сильвестров, АВ Смирнов
Математическое моделирование и краевые задачи 1 (0), 199-201, 2006
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