Idaly Trejo Escamilla
Idaly Trejo Escamilla
在 uabc.edu.mx 的电子邮件经过验证
Food habits of sailfish Istiophorus platypterus off Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico
DI Arizmendi-Rodríguez, LA Abitia-Cardenas, F Galván-Magaña, ...
Bulletin of Marine Science 79 (3), 777-791, 2006
Replacement of fishmeal by soya protein concentrate in the diets of Totoaba macdonaldi (Gilbert, 1890) juveniles: effect on the growth performance, in vitro digestibility …
I Trejo‐Escamilla, MA Galaviz, M Flores‐Ibarra, CA Alvarez Gonzalez, ...
Aquaculture Research 48 (8), 4038-4057, 2017
Evaluation of carbohydrate‐to‐lipid ratio in diets supplemented with Bacillus subtilis probiotic strain on growth performance, body composition and digestibility in juvenile …
LM López, J Olmos Soto, I Trejo Escamilla, M Flores Ibarra, L Ochoa, ...
Aquaculture Research 47 (6), 1864-1873, 2016
Why high temperatures limit reproduction in cephalopods? The case of Octopus maya
AK Meza‐Buendía, I Trejo‐Escamilla, M Piu, C Caamal‐Monsreal, ...
Aquaculture Research 52 (11), 5111-5123, 2021
Soybean protein concentrate as a protein source for totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) juveniles: Effect on intermediary metabolism and liver histological organization
I Trejo-Escamilla, LM López, E Gisbert, S Sanchez, D Rodarte-Venegas, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2021
Reciprocal effect of temperature and dietary lipids on metabolic performance and gut microbiota of Yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) juveniles
E Larios‐Soriano, AD Re‐Araujo, B Gómez‐Gil, D Tovar Ramirez, ...
Aquaculture Research 52 (12), 6189-6204, 2021
Proteína de soya en dietas de juveniles de Totoaba macdonaldi y su efecto sobre la actividad de enzimas digestivas y metabólicas, y salud de los organismos bajo condiciones de …
I Trejo Escamilla
Use of fermented malted barley by‐product as partial feed replacement and carbon source for rearing Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles
M Cabanillas‐Gámez, J Gómez‐Cadena, MA Galaviz, GARM de Oca, ...
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 55 (3), e13062, 2024
Use of fermented malted barley by-product as partial feed replacement and carbon source for rearing Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles
MA Galaviz, GARM de Oca, I Trejo-Escamilla, F Barreto-Curiel
Respuesta de crecimiento de juveniles de corvina blanca (Atractoscion nobilis) alimentados con dietas con diferentes niveles de almidón suplementadas con bacterias probióticas
I Trejo Escamilla
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada., 0
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