Simona Leonelli
The impact of personality traits and abilities on entrepreneurial orientation in SMEs
S Leonelli, F Masciarelli, F Fontana
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 2019
The importance of entrepreneurs’ traits in explaining start-ups’ innovativeness
S Leonelli, F Ceci, F Masciarelli
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management 34 (Sep-Dec), 71-85, 2016
“I am apt to show off”: exploring the relationship between entrepreneurs’ narcissism and start-up innovation
S Leonelli, F Ceci, F Masciarelli
SINERGIE 37 (3), 39-62, 2019
Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy: How Do Displayed Entrepreneurs’ Personality Dark Traits Influence Crowdfunding Success?
S Leonelli, F Di Pietro, F Masciarelli
Entrepreneurial Behaviour: Unveiling the cognitive and emotional aspects of …, 2020
The malevolent side of masstige consumers’ behavior: The role of dark triad and technology propensity
L Iaia, S Leonelli, F Masciarelli, M Christofi, C Cooper
Journal of Business Research 149, 954-966, 2022
Keep dreaming: how personality traits affects the recognition and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities in the agritourism industry
S Leonelli, L Iaia, F Masciarelli, D Vrontis
British Food Journal 124 (7), 2299-2320, 2022
Stay alert, save businesses. Planning for adversity among immigrant entrepreneurs
D Campagnolo, C Laffineur, S Leonelli, A Martiarena, MA Tietz, M Wishart
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 28 (7), 1773-1799, 2022
My choices are better than yours! Gender differences in narcissistic start-ups entrepreneurs
S Leonelli
EuroMed Journal of Business, 2021
Entrepreneurial Personality and Small Business Management: Is There a Narcissist in Every Successful Entrepreneur?
S Leonelli, F Masciarelli
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
Sustainable Entrepreneurship: How Entrepreneurs Create Value from Sustainable Opportunities
F Masciarelli, S Leonelli
Exploration of the mediating role of physicians’ managerial attitude in the relationship between their self-efficacy and workplace performance
F Morandi, S Leonelli, F Di Vincenzo
Journal of Health Organization and Management 36 (7), 950-964, 2022
SMEs facing crisis: ideal response or equifinal reactions?
D Campagnolo, M Gianecchini, P Gubitta, S Leonelli, A Tognazzo
Business Under Crisis Volume I: Contextual Transformations, 63-84, 2022
Does self-attribution impact on investor perception about cryptocurrency market efficiency? The mediating role of overconfidence
RNUD Jalal, S Leonelli
Exploring Innovation in a Digital World: Cultural and Organizational …, 2021
Un’indagine sulla percezione del carico assistenziale tra gli infermieri italiani, nell’era del COVID-19
E Primavera, S Leonelli
The impact of personal factors and firm dynamics on knowledge workers’ counterproductive work behaviour
S Leonelli, RNUD Jalal, UER Fayyaz
International Journal of Management in Education 16 (2), 131-152, 2022
The antecedents to habitual entrepreneurship: exploring the role of entrepreneurs’ narcissism and educational level
S Leonelli
Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 2022
Risk or Opportunity? Exploring the Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Decision and the Use of Equity Crowdfunding Campaigns in Less-and Well-Developed Regions in Italy
S Leonelli, F Marchesani, F Masciarelli
The International Dimension of Entrepreneurial Decision-Making: Cultures …, 2022
La propensione al knowledge sharing dei medici durante la pandemia: uno studio empirico sul ruolo della resilienza e del commitment
S Leonelli, F Morandi, F Di Vincenzo
Prospettive in Organizzazione 19, 22-29, 2022
Everything gonna be alright: Antecedents to nurses’ change adaptability in the COVID-19 Era
S Leonelli, E Primavera
Leadership after COVID-19: Working together toward a sustainable future, 347-359, 2022
Born to be successful: start-up patenting activity determinants
S Leonelli, F Masciarelli
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 43 (1), 1-20, 2021
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