Marcio Lima Grossi
Marcio Lima Grossi
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Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of oxidative stress: We should treat it that way
FSC Sczepanik, ML Grossi, M Casati, M Goldberg, M Glogauer, N Fine, ...
Periodontology 2000 84 (1), 45-68, 2020
Gender differences in temporomandibular disorders in adult populational studies: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
CH Bueno, DD Pereira, MP Pattussi, PK Grossi, ML Grossi
Journal of oral rehabilitation 45 (9), 720-729, 2018
Prevalence of Temporomandibular disorders in an adult brazilian community population using the research diagnosis criteria (axis I and II) for temporomandibular disorders (teh …
PS Progiante, M Patussi, H Lawrence, S Goya, PK Grossi, ML Grossi
The International journal of prosthodontics, 2015
Occlusal risk factors for temporomandibular disorders
CMP Selaimen, JCM Jeronymo, DP Brilhante, EM Lima, PK Grossi, ...
The Angle Orthodontist 77 (3), 471-477, 2007
Reduced neuropsychologic measures as predictors of treatment outcome in patients with temporomandibular disorders.
ML Grossi, MB Goldberg, D Locker, HC Tenenbaum
Journal of orofacial pain 15 (4), 2001
Sleep and depression as risk indicators for temporomandibular disorders in a cross-cultural perspective: a case-control study.
CMP Selaimen, J Jeronymo, DP Brilhante, ML Grossi
International Journal of Prosthodontics 19 (2), 2006
Validation of the Bitestrip versus polysomnography in the diagnosis of patients with a clinical history of sleep bruxism
VC Mainieri, AC Saueressig, MP Pattussi, SC Fagondes, ML Grossi
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 113 (5), 612-617, 2012
Analysis of the influence of a mandibular advancement device on sleep and sleep bruxism scores by means of the BiteStrip and the Sleep Assessment Questionnaire.
AC Saueressig, VC Mainieri, PK Grossi, SC Fagondes, RSA Shinkai, ...
International Journal of Prosthodontics 23 (3), 2010
Effect of the activation mode of post adhesive cementation on push-out bond strength to root canal dentin.
LL Boff, ML Grossi, LH Burneff Jr, RSA Shinkai
Quintessence International 38 (5), 2007
Sensory and affective components of orofacial pain: is it all in your brain?
HC Tenenbaum, D Mock, AS Gordon, MB Goklberg, ML Grossi, D Locker, ...
Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine 12 (6), 455-468, 2001
Maximum occlusal force and medial mandibular flexure in relation to vertical facial pattern: a cross-sectional study
RS Shinkai, FL Lazzari, SA Canabarro, M Gomes, ML Grossi, LM Hirakata, ...
Head & Face Medicine 3, 1-6, 2007
Quality of life in young and middle age adult temporomandibular disorders patients and asymptomatic subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis
LB Pigozzi, DD Pereira, MP Pattussi, C Moret-Tatay, TQ Irigaray, ...
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 19, 1-22, 2021
Analysis of the effects of a mandibular advancement device on sleep bruxism using polysomnography, the BiteStrip, the sleep assessment questionnaire, and occlusal force.
VC Mainieri, AC Saueressig, SC Fagondes, ER Teixeira, DDS Rehm, ...
International Journal of Prosthodontics 27 (2), 2014
Parallel Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders Treated with a CAD/CAM Versus a Conventional Stabilization Splint.
PD JM, SV Hüning, ML Grossi
The International journal of prosthodontics 29 (4), 340-350, 2016
In vitro evaluation of cytotoxicity of hyaluronic acid as an extracellular matrix on OFCOL II cells by the MTT assay
DG Boeckel, RSA Shinkai, ML Grossi, ER Teixeira
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology 117 (6), e423 …, 2014
Irritable bowel syndrome patients versus responding and nonresponding temporomandibular disorder patients: a neuropsychologic profile comparative study.
ML Grossi, MB Goldberg, D Locker, HC Tenenbaum
International Journal of Prosthodontics 21 (3), 2008
Efficacy of a mandibular advancement intraoral appliance (MOA) for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in pediatric patients: A pilot-study
G Modesti-Vedolin, C Chies, S Chaves-Fagondes, E Piza-Pelizzer, ...
Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal 23 (6), e656, 2018
Avaliação da depressão e de testes neuropsicológicos em pacientes com desordens temporomandibulares
C Selaimen, DP Brilhante, ML Grossi, PK Grossi
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 12, 1629-1639, 2007
Vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma) mimicking temporomandibular disorders: a case report
MA Bisi, CMP Selaimen, KD Chaves, MC Bisi, ML Grossi
Journal of Applied Oral Science 14, 476-481, 2006
Cell culture–based tissue engineering as an alternative to bone grafts in implant dentistry: a literature review
DG Boeckel, RSA Shinkai, ML Grossi, ER Teixeira
Journal of Oral Implantology 38 (S1), 538-545, 2012
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